

  • 阅读理解
    Reading comprehension.
    Not long ago I was invited out to dinner by a girl called Jane. I have met Jane only twice, and she was
    very beautiful.
    I was very pleased. "She loves me" I thought. "I am sorry at such short notice." She said when I arrived,
    "but we suddenly knew there were going to be thirteen people at the table,so we had to find someone else."
    Believing that the number 13 is unlucky is a typical of superstition. Recently I came across a little group of
    worried people.They gathered round a man lying on the pavement (人行道)beside a road in London. They
    were waiting for an ambulance, for the man had been knocked down by a passing taxi. He had stapped off
    the pavement and into the street in order not to walk under a ladder (梯子). To see a black cat in England is
    lucky. But if you see a black cat in India, it is considered very unlucky. There, if you are about to set out on
    a long journey, and someone sneezes, you should not go. If you break a mirror, you will have seven year's
    bad luck. Just superstition, of course.
    1. Jane invited the writer out to dinner because ____.
    [     ]

    A: she liked him
    B: she wanted to have twelve people at the table
    C: she wanted to marry him
    D: she wanted to have fourteen people at the table
    2. A man was knocked down by a passing taxi as a result of his ____.
    [     ]

    A: slow speed
    B: bad luck
    C: carelessness
    D: superstition
    3. To walk under a ladder is considered unlucky in ____.
    [     ]

    A: England
    B: India
    C: the U.S.A
    D: Japan
    4. In ____, if someone sneezes when you start on a journey, you might be unlucky.
    [     ]

    A: England
    B: India
    C: the U.S.A
    D: Japan
    5. The writer ____ superstition.
    [     ]

    A: believes in
    B: likes
    C: disbelieves in
    D: makes others believe in
    6. The word "superstition" means ____.
    [     ]

    A: 迷信
    B: 信仰
    C: 笃信
    D: 敬重
    7. The phrase"come across" means ____.
    [     ]

    A: 来到
    B: 遇到
    C: 经过
    D: 横过
    8. The word "ambulance" means ____.
    [     ]

    A: 公安人员
    B: 救治
    C: 专用车
    D: 救护车

    本题信息:2012年模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
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