

  • 完形填空
    Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove her
    old car home along the road.  1  she found she got a flat. The 22-year-old student  2  to stop her car by
    the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk. No  3  tire.
    At this time, a car  4  . Paul and Diane told Clay to  5 them to a service station near their  6  . They
    arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to  7  with her car. "Follow us home," said Paul.
    The couple called around to find a tire, No  8  . They decided to let her use their own car. "Here," Paul
    said, handing Clay a  9 of keys, "Take our car. We 10 be using it over the holiday."
    Clay was 11  . "But I'm going all the way to South Carolina, and I'll be gone for two weeks," she  12 
    "We know," Paul said. "We'll be  13  when you get back. Here's our number if you need to  14  us."
    Unable to believe her eyes, Clay watched as the  15  put her luggage into their car and then 16 her off.
    Two weeks later she 17 to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio 18 .
    "Thank you so much," she said. "How much do I 19 you?" "Oh, no," Paul said, "we don't want any
    money. It's our  20  ." Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to pass
    on their "do unto others" spirit.
    (     )1. A. Suddenly        
    (     )2. A. afforded        
    (     )3. A. spare            
    (     )4. A. passed          
    (     )5. A. help            
    (     )6. A. garage          
    (     )7. A. agree            
    (     )8. A. way             
    (     )9. A. set              
    (     )10. A. can’t         
    (     )11. A. satisfied      
    (     )12. A. persuaded      
    (     )13. A. happy          
    (     )14. A. get in touch with
    (     )15. A. repairmen      
    (     )16. A. sent            
    (     )17. A. shocked        
    (     )18. A. loaded          
    (     )19. A. owe            
    (     )20. A. wish            
    B. Finally               
    B. wanted               
    B. free                 
    B. stopped               
    B. push                 
    B. house                 
    B. match                 
    B. message               
    B. number                
    B. shouldn’t          
    B. worried              
    B. advised              
    B. here               
    B. keep in touch with   
    B. cleaners           
    B. shook                  
    B. happened           
    B. fixed                  
    B. lend               
    B. job                 
    C. Immediately    
    C. allowed        
    C. full            
    C. paused          
    C. take            
    C. shop            
    C. go              
    C. success        
    C. pair                
    C. mustn’t    
    C. astonished      
    C. reminded        
    C. away            
    C. be in touch with
    C. friends        
    C. watched        
    C. returned        
    C. tied            
    C. give            
    C. duty            
    D. Fortunately       
    D. managed           
    D. empty             
    D. started           
    D. follow            
    D. hotel             
    D. deal                
    D. luck            
    D. chain                   
    D. won’t     
    D. disturbed         
    D. promised          
    D. busy              
    D. put in touch with   
    D. couple            
    D. drove             
    D. came              
    D. rebuilt           
    D. offer             
    D. pleasure        

    本题信息:2004年高考真题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove herold car home along the road. 1 she fo...” 主要考查您对


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