

  • 完形填空
    There are no class this afternoon. We have a party for 1 Day. At about two o'clock in the afternoon,
    the party 2 . Li Dong and Li Qing host (主持) the party. They talk 3 the school life of the Young Pioneers.
    The students' parents also speak at the party. They tell us 4 harder. Then they 5 us a lot of presents. At last,
    the teachers, the students and the parents sit 6 a table with a 7 and some oranges on it. We sing and 8 . 9
    had a good time. What a great party! We will 10 forget the party.
    (     )1. A. the Children
    (     )2. A. is beginning
    (     )3. A. on         
    (     )4. A. study      
    (     )5. A. give       
    (     )6. A. at         
    (     )7. A. apple      
    (     )8. A. dances     
    (     )9. A. All us     
    (     )10. A. always    
    B. the Children's  
    B. is going to begin
    B. about           
    B. to studying     
    B. make            
    B. on              
    B. egg             
    B. dancing         
    B. All of we       
    B. never           
    C. the Children'
    C. begins      
    C. to          
    C. studies     
    C. pass        
    C. with        
    C. cake        
    C. dances      
    C. Everyone    
    C. usually     
    D. Children's
    D. begin     
    D. with      
    D. to study  
    D. show      
    D. in        
    D. orange                         
    D. dance     
    D. Every one 
    D. often     

    本题信息:2008年期中题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张琳贺
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本试题 “完形填空。There are no class this afternoon. We have a party for 1Day. At about two o'clock in the afternoon,the party 2 . Li Dong and Li Qing host...” 主要考查您对


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