

  • 完形填空
    Laughter and tears are parts of living. But do you find enough time for laughter? I am not asking if
    you     1   lots of good times.  2   we should laugh during the happy times. But do you also laugh
    during the  3   times?
    Erma Bombeck   4   her humorous books, but she wrote one that   5   a more serious topic:
    cancerin children. Erma talks with many children with cancer and learns   6   life lessons from them.
    She learns,for instance, that cancer survivors know   7   to laugh.
    She   8   the experience of 15-year-old Jessica from Burlington. Jessica's leg was cut off at the
    knee  because of cancer. She was learning to   9   a prosthesis (假肢). Jessica tells about playing
       10  .
    She kicked the ball  11   and it flew off in one  12   while her artificial leg flew another way.
    She fell on  the  13  and laughed.
    Jessica may not have laughed about her cancer, but she laughed about handling the 14   of it.
    And her laughter helped her deal.
    There is the story of 17-year-old Betsy. She 15   her way to the radiation room for her regular
    radiation therapy. As  16  , she dropped her hospital gown and, wore only her birthday suit, 17    
    onto the table and waited. The extra people in the room were not the medical students she had thought,
    but  18   
    painters giving an estimate on painting! Betsy laughs heartily about the incident. And like Jessica, her
     19     to  laugh  helped  her  to  deal  with  one  of  the  most  difficult  things  a young person can
    endure- cancer.
    Do you find plenty of 20    for laughter? You can ... if you also find reasons to laugh during the
    especially difficult times.
    Survivors know how to laugh. If you can laugh even when the going is rough, you'll make it. And you'll
    smile at the end.
    (     )1. A. lose
    (     )2. A. Of course
    (     )3. A. sad
    (     )4. A. is famous as
    (     )5. A. connected
    (     )6. A. serious
    (     )7. A. when
    (     )8. A. describes
    (     )9. A. put
    (     )10. A. basketball
    (     )11. A. gently
    (     )12. A. way
    (     )13. A. ground
    (     )14. A. cause
    (     )15. A. tried
    (     )16. A. common
    (     )17. A. climbed
    (     )18. A. also
    (     )19. A. strength
    (     )20. A. times
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:谢雪莲
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空.Laughter and tears are parts of living. But do you find enough time for laughter? I am not asking ifyou 1 lots of good times. 2 we should ...” 主要考查您对


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