

  • 完形填空
    It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
    I really only meant it as a joke. I wasn't trying to steal anything honestly.
    My friend Matthew started bringing his new cell phone to class last week. He was walking around bragging (吹嘘) about it to everyone. He was saying, "My cell phone can download (下载) the newest 1 off the internet." Then he 2 everyone by downloading a game and starting to play it. The pictures and sound were really 3 .
     4 class, he would use his cell phone to watch TV. The rest of us didn't have a phone like 5  , so we had to
    crowd around him. I was just trying to see the screen, 6 there were so many other kids that I could not see it
    clearly. I was getting really jealous (嫉妒).
    But then yesterday, he forgot his cell phone at the end of class. He left it right on his desk. 7 noticed it was
    there except me. I decided to teach him a lesson. I took his phone quietly off the desk, and put it in my own bag. My 8 was to give it back to him the next day. I 9 wanted to see his reaction (反应). Maybe he would stop
    being such a show-off.
    But this morning he rushed into class, screaming and yelling (吼叫). He was very 10 and almost mad. He
    started accusing (指责) different people of 11 his phone, but I had it in my 12 the whole time. He even
    started fighting with another classmate 13 Matthew was sure that person had taken it. The teacher sent them
    to the headmaster's office. They 14 got in a lot of trouble. Now I don't know what to 15 ! If I tell him that I
    took the cell phone, he'll think I stole it. If I don't tell him, then I really did steal it. How did I get into such a
    (     )1. A. ads       
    (     )2. A. gave      
    (     )3. A. good      
    (     )4. A. After     
    (     )5. A. hers      
    (     )6. A. and       
    (     )7. A. Everybody 
    (     )8. A. plan      
    (     )9. A. always    
    (     )10. A. happy    
    (     )11. A. losing   
    (     )12. A. desk     
    (     )13. A. if       
    (     )14. A. both     
    (     )15. A. say      
    B. songs    
    B. showed   
    B. bad      
    B. During   
    B. ours     
    B. but      
    B. Somebody 
    B. suggestion
    B. hardly   
    B. quiet    
    B. stealing 
    B. hand     
    B. because  
    B. all      
    B. take     
    C. films  
    C. lent   
    C. noisy  
    C. In     
    C. his    
    C. then   
    C. Anybody
    C. dream  
    C. just   
    C. sad    
    C. playing
    C. bag    
    C. until  
    C. neither
    C. see    
    D. games   
    D. asked   
    D. unclear 
    D. From    
    D. theirs  
    D. so      
    D. Nobody  
    D. action  
    D. sometimes
    D. angry   
    D. using   
    D. pocket                                      
    D. though  
    D. none    
    D. do      

    本题信息:2011年江西省中考真题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张琳贺
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本试题 “完形填空。It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the TimeI really only meant it as a joke. I wasn't trying to steal anything honestly.My friend Matthew star...” 主要考查您对


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