

  • 阅读理解
    When the earthquake hit Japan on March 11,workers in a supermarket in Japan didn't run away when
    they felt the shaking. Instead, they held on to the shelves and tried to stop the goods (货物) from falling down.
    Reporters from NHK, the country's largest TV station, stayed calm in front of cameras during the earthquake, even though some were facing real danger.
    The earthquake was the most powerful one to hit Japan in the country's history. But Japan's reaction
    (反应) to the accident has shown that it is the most earthquake-prepared country in the world. The calm the
    Japanese showed during and after the quake has impressed the world. This is because Japan has "an earthquake
    culture". Japanese people are taught how to prepare for and react to earthquakes from a young age.
    Schools in Japan organize earthquake practices every month. They make students become familiar with
    being in an earthquake.
    Japan also has a good earthquake warning system (警报系统). Warnings were broadcast on television,
    radio and mobile phones nine seconds after experts (专家) first knew about the quake on March 11.
    The warning system is unable to predict earthquakes. But it can usuallyalertpeople about 15 seconds
    before they feel the effects. Even 15 or 20 seconds can be enough time to save people's lives.
    1. How did Japanese people react when the big earthquake hit Japan on March 11?
    A. They felt angry.
    B. They were scared.
    C. They stayed calm.
    D. They were frustrated.
    2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A. Japan's reaction to the earthquake impressed the world.
    B. Japanese schools organize earthquake practice every day.
    C. Japan has a warning system that can predict earthquakes.
    D. Japanese people learn about earthquake safety only from universities.
    3. After experts first knew about the quake on March 11, warnings were not broadcast ________.
    A. on radio
    B. on the movie
    C. on television
    D. on mobile phones
    4. What does the underlined word "alert" mean in Chinese?
    A. 改善
    B. 提高
    C. 提醒
    D. 改变
    5. What does the story mainly tell us about?
    A. Japan's earthquake culture.
    B. The bad results caused by the earthquake.
    C. Japanese people were scared after the earthquake.
    D. Japanese people were homeless after the earthquake.
    本题信息:2011年广西自治区中考真题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张琳贺
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