

  • 完形填空
    The three superstars were arriving at the airport and a large crowd of young people had already gathered
    there to welcome them.The police found it  1  to keep order after the plane landed and the performers  2  .
    They smiled and waved cheerfully at everybody.Dressed in the same pink shirts and light blue trousers, with
    long hair and musical instruments over their shoulders, they all looked  3  .
    Although there were many policemen  4  , the Blare were not able to get to their waiting car  5  at all.
    Word spread that they had composed a new song which would be  6  when they performed at the concert
    that evening.They were now   7  with loud cries of" Play your new song! Play your new song!"
    When the stars prepared to sing as the  8  for getting away, even the policemen looked  9  , too. The tans
    settled down and listened to the first 10  of the new song.Once it was over, everyone started jumping, clapping
    and shouting 11  . Several young women even fainted (昏倒) with excitement and were carried away
    immediately by the 12  standing by. The fans were greedy for more, 13 a repeat performance.Once again,
    the performers had no choice but to  14  , but when they were asked for still another song, they cheerfully but
    firmly refused.Closely  15  by the policemen, they walked towards their car some distance 16  . The fans
    pushed forward, but the policemen,  17  arm, prevented anyone getting trough. It took the stars quite a long
    time to reach their  18  !
    Finally, however, they all got in and were just about to leave when a young woman, who had somehow 19 
    to gel past the policemen, jumped onto the roof of the car.She shouted loudly and crazily as two policemen
    dragged her away and the car started to move very slowly through the  20 crowd.She had just wanted to have
    a photo taken with the stars!
    (     )1. A.dangerous   
    (     )2. A.arrived     
    (     )3. A.famous      
    (     )4. A.present     
    (     )5. A.successfully
    (     )6. A.heard       
    (     )7. A.covered     
    (     )8. A.way         
    (     )9. A.pleased     
    (     )10. A. scene     
    (     )11. A. loudly    
    (     )12. A. doctors   
    (     )13. A. signing   
    (     )14. A. give cut  
    (     )15. A. surrounded
    (     )16. A. out       
    (     )17. A. stood     
    (     )18. A. car      
    (     )19. A. attempted 
    (     )20. A. shouting  
    B. terrible  
    B. appeared  
    B. nervous   
    B. enough    
    B. completely          
    B. broadcast 
    B. greeted   
    B. excuse    
    B. surprised 
    B. part      
    B. madly     
    B. fans      
    B. enjoying  
    B. give away 
    B. followed  
    B. away      
    B. fought    
    B. theatre   
    B. managed   
    B. crying    
    C. impossible    
    C. left            
    C. alike         
    C. available       
    C. easily        
    C. received        
    C. crowded         
    C. gift                         
    C. puzzled       
    C. sound         
    C. strangely       
    C. policemen       
    C. suggesting      
    C. give in         
    C. watched       
     C. apart           
    C. protected       
    C. hotel         
    C. started       
    C. cheering      
    D. difficult     
    D. settled       
    D. special       
    D. serious       
    D. directly      
    D. tried         
    D. called        
    D. price         
    D. worried                  
    D. performance   
    D. proudly       
    D. workers       
    D. demanding     
    D. give up       
    D. supported     
    D. off           
    D. locked        
    D. group         
    D. rushed        
    D. pushing       

    本题信息:2011年河南省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。The three superstars were arriving at the airport and a large crowd of young people had already gatheredthere to welcome them.The police ...” 主要考查您对


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