

  • 完形填空
    James was a curious young man. Everywhere he went, he liked to observe things and to  1  people-what
    they did, what they said and what they wore. Subconsciously, he was making quick  2  all the time. He
    couldn't really  3  it; it just happened.
    For example, he once saw a man whose body was  4  with tattoos (纹身). That man was strong and
    walked proudly. James imagined his  5  people up, sometimes with sticks and sometimes with his hands,
    speaking  6  words each time he opened his mouth. A troublemaker, perhaps, James  7  to himself.
    Sometimes James felt  8  for judging others this way, but that feeling was  9  and never really lasted.
    Then, one day, he saw a woman seated alone in a café. The woman was 10  , quite fat, and although she
    was not 11  , James could tell she was a short lady. 12 , James glanced across at her, looking at her from
    top to bottom. As his eyes reached her 13 , he got a shock.
    There she was, on her left foot, wearing a platform shoe that was at least 3 inches high. 14  could such a
    little middle-aged lady who was average-looking at best be so vain as to wear high platforms? Look beautiful?
    In that short moment of time, 15  thoughts flowed through James' mind.
    A second later, James' eyes naturally moved across to the lady's right foot. And there, he got an even
    bigger 16 -It was a flat shoe. She was not vain; she had a birth defect (缺陷)-uneven length of her legs. If
    anything, she deserved 17 and understanding, certainly not blame, not even mental ones.
    James was 18 with guilt. It was a(n) 19  lesson he learned about not 20  conclusions, about not judging
    people, especially so quickly.
    (     )1. A. greet   
    (     )2. A. mistakes 
    (     )3. A. help     
    (     )4. A. faced   
    (     )5. A. cheering 
    (     )6. A. humoro us 
    (     )7. A. thought 
    (     )8. A. curious 
    (     )9. A. temporary 
    (     )10. A. young   
    (     )11. A. speakin g
    (     )12. A. Therefore
    (     )13. A. feet   
    (     )14. A. When   
    (     )15. A. inspiring
    (     )16. A. pleasure 
    (     )17. A. love   
    (     )18. A. hit     
    (     )19. A. new     
    (     )20. A. denying 
    B. watch      
    B. progress  
    B. get        
    B. covered    
    B. dressing  
    B. modest    
    B. proved    
    B. guilty    
    B. strange    
    B. middle-aged 
    B. standing  
    B. However    
    B. hands      
    B. Why        
    B. blaming    
    B. honor      
    B. award      
    B. started    
    B. valuable   
    B. reaching   
    C. meet             
    C. judgments      
    C. accept          
    C. filled           
    C. beating         
    C. bad             
    C. explained       
    C. excited        
    C. permanent        
    C. old               
    C. sitting        
    C. As well          
    C. eyes            
    C. How               
    C. persuading    
    C. comfort          
    C. sympathy         
    C. equipped      
    C. interesting    
    C. leading to   
    D. cheat                  
    D. promises               
    D. keep                   
    D. charged                
    D. holding                
    D. cautious               
    D. told                   
    D. happy                 
    D. deep                    
    D. pretty                   
    D. walking               
    D. As usual                 
    D. legs                  
    D. What                       
    D. defending           
    D. shock                    
    D. respect                  
    D. struck               
    D. difficult              
    D. jumping to          

    本题信息:2011年0127模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。James was a curious young man. Everywhere he went, he liked to observe things and to 1 people-whatthey did, what they said and what they ...” 主要考查您对


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