

  • 完形填空
    Mark Gibson is a former gymnastics coach who once worked with many excellent athletes. He often
    tells a wonderful story about a 15-year-old  1  girl, Cindy, whose attitude brought out the best in
    Cindy wasn't a great  2  , but when she was in the gym, everyone complained less, worked harder,
    and, not  3 , achieved more. Cindy was such a powerful motivator  4 she could see nothing. When it was
    her turn to do the vault (跳马), mother would also 5 alongside her, and tell her how close she was to the
    vault. When her mom said, "Vault!", Cindy would reach out and jump,  6  her mother and herself.
    Cindy loved the sport and kept  7  because she and her mom refused to be defeated by her  8  .
    Mark called her the most  9  member of the team, not because of her  10  ability, but because of her
    heart and because she  11  a standard of perseverance (坚持) and courage that inspired others to get
    more out of themselves. Everyone who  12  her work hard to be the best  13  how much more they
    could get out of themselves.
    This is leadership---leadership by  14  . And we see this sort of leadership not only in  15   but also
    in families and in the workplace. Often the most important members of the team are not the  16  , most
    skilled, or most powerful. Instead, their  17  is in their attitude and their ability to inspire and  18  others
    with their optimism, enthusiasm, and determination.
    People who know how to get the best out of themselves get the best of others.
    There's no doubt that Cindy's  19  has a great effect on her teammates. A person's personality matters
    most because it comes from within and does not depend on  20  alone.
    (     )1. A. pretty        
    (     )2. A. instructor    
    (     )3. A. accidentally  
    (     )4. A. because      
    (     )5. A. jump          
    (     )6. A. supporting    
    (     )7. A. failing      
    (     )8. A. mistake      
    (     )9. A. important    
    (     )10. A. organizational
    (     )11. A. showed      
    (     )12. A. made        
    (     )13. A. forgot      
    (     )14. A. knowledge    
    (     )15. A. exercises    
    (     )16. A. smartest    
    (     )17. A. use          
    (     )18. A. persuade    
    (     )19. A. character    
    (     )20. A. opportunity  
    B. kind        
    B. worker      
    B. naturally  
    B. after      
    B. about      
    B. trusting    
    B. praying    
    B. coach      
    B. skilled     
    B. communicative
    B. understood  
    B. watched    
    B. imagined    
    B. example    
    B. gymnasiums  
    B. richest    
    B. advantage  
    B. encourage  
    B. decision    
    B. appearance  
    C. blind      
    C. leader      
    C. gradually    
    C. that        
    C. appear      
    C. satisfying  
    C. dreaming    
    C. disability  
    C. popular    
    C. athletic    
    C. settled    
    C. helped      
    C. confirmed  
    C. reputation  
    C. sports      
    C. tallest    
    C. power      
    C. educate    
    C. existence    
    C. success      
    D. clever        
    D. gymnast      
    D. surprisingly  
    D. when          
    D. run          
    D. attracting    
    D. improving    
    D. laziness      
    D. powerful      
    D. musical      
    D. reached      
    D. heard        
    D. realized      
    D. experience    
    D. teams        
    D. oldest        
    D. technique    
    D. consider      
    D. achievement  
    D. environment  

    本题信息:2012年四川省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
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