

  • 阅读理解
    For years I wanted a flower garden, but with five children I was too busy to have one. Money was limited,
    and so was time. Often one of the children would want something that cost too much, and I would say, "Do
    you see a money tree outside? Money doesn't grow on trees, you know. "Finally, when all five had gotten
    through high school and college, and had started having their own families, I started thinking again about having a garden. However, I knew gardens cost money.
    Then, one spring morning on Mother's Day, as I was working in my kitchen, I heard cars drive by and
    looked out of the window to see a new tree planted in my yard. I couldn't believe my eyes: it was a money
    tree! Dollar bills were stuck all over that tree, and there was a note which read: "I owe you eight hours of
    digging time. Love, Marvin."
    Marvin, my first son, kept his promise. He dug up a nice ten-by-fifteen-foot bed (花坛,花圃) for me. My
    other children bought me tools, a sunflower stepping stone (踏脚石) and gardening books. We built a garden
    That was three years ago. My garden is now very pretty, and just what I'd always wanted. When I go out
    to weed or tend my flowers, I don't seem to miss my children as much as I once did. It feels as if they were
    right there with me. When I think about what my children have done for me, I get tears in my eyes every time. I'm still not sure whether money grows on trees. But I know love does!
    1. Why had the author never had a flower garden before?
    A. Because she had five children to take care of.
    B. Because she didn't have enough time and money.
    C. Because her children wanted expensive things.
    D. Because her children were going to high school and college.
    2. Who helped the author build the garden at last?
    A. Her neighbor.
    B. Her first son.
    C. Her husband.
    D. Her five children.
    3. Why doesn't she miss her children as much as she once did?
    A. Because she has a big money tree.
    B. Because she has a very pretty garden.
    C. Because she feels the love of her children in the garden.
    D. Because she is busy weeding or tending her flowers.
    4. Which of the flowing statements is correct, based on the passage?
    A. Money grows on trees only if you plant them with love.
    B. The author built a pretty garden after her children had graduated from school.
    C. The author actually wanted to have money grow on trees.
    D.The children loved their mother so much that they helped her realize her dream.
    5. The purpose of this passage is to tell us_________.
    A. how to grow you own money tree
    B. the story of pretty garden
    C. the story of a money tree
    D. a story of the love between a mother and her children
    本题信息:2012年0119月考题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。For years I wanted a flower garden, but with five children I was too busy to have one. Money was limited,and so was time. Often one of th...” 主要考查您对


  • 故事类阅读




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