

  • 阅读理解


    Most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. They share a festive meal with family members and watch
    football matches.
    For some people, shopping is a big part of their Thanksgiving tradition as well. For many years, the day
    after Thanksgiving is considered the first day of the holiday shopping season in the United States. Many stores
    have sales on that day. Many people go to the sales because they can save money. The shoppers are looking
    for bargains (特价商品). This busy shopping day is called"Black Friday".
    Recently, researchers have noticed another busy shopping day. The Monday after Thanksgiving has
    become known as"Cyber Monday". On this day, more and more shoppers buy their holiday gifts online.
    One survey (调查) found that 80% of the Internet users buy gifts online. The survey found that shoppers
    in one city will spend one third of their holiday budget (预算) online.
    But most shoppers still do not want to buy online because they don't feel safe. Here is some helpful advice
    to keep shoppers safe.
    First, don't follow an e-mail link to a shopping website. Type the shop's address into your browser (浏览
    器) yourself. Also, make sure that you are shopping on a safe server. You should see a little lock at the bottom
    of the screen. The picture means you are on a safe server and it's safe to shop. The last tip is to use credit
    cards (信用卡) online, not other cards.

    本题信息:2010年江苏期中题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。根据短文内容,用适当的单词或短语填写表格。Most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. They share a festive meal with family members and wa...” 主要考查您对


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