

  • 阅读理解
    Alice is a 14-year -old girl. There are three people in her family: her father, her mother and she. They are
    in Shanghai. Alice likes the colour of red. Look, her jacket and bag are red. She is in Class 4. There are 22
    boys and 18 girls in her class. Her good friends Liu Mei and Li Hong are in Class 4, too. Miss Wang is their
    maths teacher. She is a good teacher. Her classes are interesting. Maths is not difficult for them!
    Alice likes playing computer games, but she doesn't play them every day. She plays sports every day. It
    is good for her health.
    1. _____ people are in Alice's family.
    [     ]

    A. Six
    B. Five
    C. Four
    D. Three

    2. Alice's ______ and _____ are red.
    [     ]

    A. bag; erase
    B. bag; notebook
    C. jacket; bag
    D. jacket; hat
    3. _____ students are in Alice's class.
    [     ]

    A. 40
    B. 28
    C. 22

    4. Miss Wang's classes are _____.
    [     ]

    A. well
    B. interesting
    C. boring
    D. difficult

    5. Alice _____ every day.
    [     ]

    A. eat apples
    B. watches TV
    C. plays computer games
    D. plays sports
    本题信息:2010年广西自治区期末题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:冯丽娟
  • 本题答案
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