

  • 补全对话,情景问答
    (     ) 1. How many minutes do you walk?
    (     ) 2. What colour is cabbage?
    (     ) 3. Do you help your family?
    (     ) 4. How much exercise do you need?
    (     ) 5. How often do you eat peas?
    A. Sometimes twice a day.
    B. Yes, I do.
    C. It's green.
    D. You need twenty minutes.
    E. About five minutes.

    本题信息:2011年同步题英语补全对话,情景问答难度一般 来源:李春伟
  • 本题答案
本试题 “给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. How many minutes do you walk?( ) 2. What colour is cabbage?( ) 3. Do you help your family?( ) 4. How much exerci...” 主要考查您对


  • 情景交际

Mom: Johnny, get up!
Johnny: Oooook.
Mom: Hurry up, sweety. It’s late.
Johnny: What time is it, Mom?
Mom: It’s seven.
Johnny: Mom, I had a dream.
Mom: Oh, really? What was it about?
Johnny: Mashi Maro.
Mom: How nice!
Mom: Hurry up, Johnny, or you’ll be late.
Johnny: O.K, Mom, I’ll brush my teeth.
Mom: Don’t forget to wash your face.
Johnny: O.K.
Mom: Johnny, breakfast is ready.
Johnny: Mom, please pass me some bread.
Mom: Here it is.
Mom: Don’t forget your books.
Johnny: Let me see, Chinese, English, maths and music. All in, Mom.
Mom: Good.
Johnny: Dad, Mom, I’m going to school.
Mom: Take care.
Dad: Don’t be late.
Johnny: I won’t. Bye, Dad. Bye, Mom.

2、上学(On the Way)
Johnny: Good morning.
Anny: Good morning.
Johnny: What’s your name?
Anny: Anny. And you?
Johnny: I am Johnny. Let’s go to school together.
Anny: O.K, let’s go.
Anny: Watch out! The light is red.
Johny: O.K. (half a minute later)
Anny: It’s green now.
Johnny: Let’s go.
Anny: The bus is late.
Johnny: Wait a bit.
Anny: Look, it’s coming.
Johnny: Let’s get on the bus.
Anny: Look at your shoe lace, Johnny.
Johnny: Oh, it’s loose. Let me tie it up.
Johnny: Anny, this is my teacher, Miss Lin.
Anny: Hello, Miss Lin.
Miss Lin: Hello.

3、课前(Before Class)
Johnny & Anny: Good morning, Miss Gao.
Miss Gao: Good morning. Why so early today?
Anny: We are on duty.
Anny: Oh, it’s out of my reach.
Johnny: Let me give you a hand.
Anny: Thanks.
Johnny: Let’s clean the floor.
Anny: See? It’s so dirty.
Johnny: Let’s clean it.
Johnny: I have a pen and a ruler. And you?
Anny: I have a knife and an eraser.
Johnny: May I see it?
Anny: Sure.
Johnny: Excuse me, Anny, can you spell this word for me?
Anny: O.K. Which one?
Johnny: Apple.
Anny: A-P-P-L-E.
Johnny: Thanks.

4、课堂(In Class)
Miss Gao: Good morning, class.
Class: Good morning, Miss Gao.
Miss Gao: Is everyone here?
Tome: No, Mary is not here. She’s sick.
Miss Gao: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Anny: Johnny, the bell is ringing.
Johnny: Oh, hurry up. Class has begun.
Johnny & Anny: Excuse me.
Miss Gao: Come in, please.
Miss Gao: What’s six plus four?
Anny: Eight!
Miss Gao: Are you sure? Think again.
Johnny: Let me try. Oops! It’s ten.
Miss Gao: Well done.
Miss Gao: What’s five minus three, Johnny?
Johnny: Two.
Miss Gao: Right.
Miss Gao: Anny, what’s eight times two?
Anny: It’s sixteen.
Miss Gao: Wow, you’re clever! What’s six divided by three?
Johnny: I know! Two.  Right?
Miss Gao: Yes, you got it.
Johnny: Anny, can I borrow you eraser?
Anny: I’m sorry. I don’t have one.
Johnny: That’s O.K. Thanks anyway.
Miss Gao: Class is over.
Class: Goodbye, Miss Gao.
Miss Gao: See you next time.

Monitor: Stand in four lines, please!
Johnny: Hurry up, Anny.
Anny: Ouch, you are stepping on my foot.
Johnny: I’m sorry.
Monitor: Attention, please! Salute!
Miss Gao: Class is over. Time for morning exercises.
Johnny: Anny, hurry up.
Anny: Wait! Where is my red scarf?
Johnny: Gosh! I can’t wait.
Anny: Go ahead then! Who cares?
Johnny: I can’t help.
Tom: You can’t help what?
Johnny: I wanna go to the restroom now.
Tom: Too bad! You have to wait.
Johnny: Oh, no!
Johnny: Anny, what’s for next class?
Anny: Music. Can you sing?
Johnny: I can sing many songs.
Anny: Cool.
Johnny: Hi, my name’s Johnny. What’s your name?
Nancy: I’m Nancy. Where are you from, Johnny?
Johnny: Xiamen. And you?
Nancy: I’m form Fuzhou.
Johnny: How old are you?
Nancy: Seven. What about you?
Johnny: Oh, we’re of the same age.
