

  • 阅读理解
    I received pictures of my daughter floating (漂浮) on a lake in California. Right there under the sun
    during the hottest time of the day, she has only her swimsuit to cover her.
    When I showed it to my students, it was as if I had shown them scenes from a horror (恐怖) movie.
    "But she will get dark," they said.
    "That's what she wants," I told them. "We think darker skin (肤色) is beautiful."
    They looked at me in disbelief. It was as if I came from the moon.
    For years, American girls spend their summer trying to get as tanned (晒黑) as possible. In China,
    on the other hand, girls use umbrellas all year round.
    What in the world is going on?
    The pale skin we think looks unattractive (不漂亮) is what Asian women want. Both groups want
    to meet their culture's standard (标准) of beauty.
    In the US, if you can afford to go on vacation in the summer, you head for a river, a lake or a beach,
    where you try to get as much sun as possible. If you are rich you take a winter vacation in some sunny
    spot. Your winter tan shows your wealth.
    In China, once upon a time, the few wealthy were the ones who didn't have to work out in the hot
    sun. So the whiter the skin, the richer the woman. The folk opera performers who play these ladies wore
    lots of white makeup (妆容). The tradition survives to this day.
    So it comes naturally that none of my students wishes to follow the Western ways in this regard.
    But now I am noticing that a new business - the tanning booth (美黑店) - started up in China. I
    admire those brave enough to define(给…下定义)their own idea of beauty, but I do wonder what their
    grandmothers would have to say to them about it!
    1. The students were shocked at the picture the writer showed them because ______.
    A. they thought it shameful for a girl only to wear a swimsuit
    B. the writer's daughter was wearing very little while out in the sun
    C. it is dangerous for a girl to be out on a lake alone
    D. with the powerful sunlight the writer's daughter would have got a suntan
    2. According to the article, which kind of woman meets the American standard of beauty?
    A. Women with blond hair.
    B. Women with a slim figure.
    C. Women with tanned skin.
    D. Women with pale skin.
    3. In the US a winter tan usually means the person _____.
    A. is hard-working
    B. doesn't have to work
    C. has a lot of money and spare time
    本题信息:2012年河北省期中题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。I received pictures of my daughter floating (漂浮) on a lake in California. Right there under the sunduring the hottest time of the day, ...” 主要考查您对


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