

  • 完形填空
    Last week I was sitting in the lobby of a medical building when I heard an elderly woman talking on the
    phone about her husband. His name was Ed and he  1  her off for her doctor's  2  , and was going to park
    the car and  3  her. She was so  4  because he never came back to get her. As she described her  5  to
    the person on the phone she started to cry and I knew I needed to take  6  . She was talking to a local  7  
    they were going to have lunch at after her appointment. She  8  to see if he was there.
    After she sat down, I introduced myself and gave her my business card to  9  myself. Her name was
    Helen. I acknowledged her situation and asked if I could 10 . She explained her husband Ed was supposed
    to park the car and wait for her. Then she said, "My husband has Alzheimer (老年痴呆症) and he shouldn't
    be 11 without me."
    I 12 to drive to the local restaurant to see if Ed was waiting for her there. After notifying the valet (停车
    管理员) of the situation at hand we exchanged cell phone numbers 13 Ed showed up as I jumped into action
    searching for Ed. 14 arriving in the parking lot of the restaurant she described I received a call from the valet.
    The valet had 15 Ed sitting on a bench in front of the hospital a few buildings down waiting for Helen. What
    a 16 ! Once reunited, we needed to find his car which he 17 where he parked! 18 , he parked in the
    handicapped spot so it was easy to find!
    Once all this was accomplished, I followed Ed and Helen home to be sure they arrived 19 . Waved goodbye
    and wished them my best. Compassion and 20 led me to reach out to Helen and Ed. The next time you see
    someone in need remember to "Pass It On"!
    (     )1. A. sent            
    (     )2. A. appointment     
    (     )3. A. look for        
    (     )4. A. curious         
    (     )5. A. situation       
    (     )6. A. patience      
    (     )7. A. organization    
    (     )8. A. tried           
    (     )9. A. prove           
    (     )10. A. help         
    (     )11. A. walking        
    (     )12. A. continued    
    (     )13. A. in case        
    (     )14. A. Since          
    (     )15. A. watched        
    (     )16. A. wonder         
    (     )17. A. forgot         
    (     )18. A. Actually       
    (     )19. A. happily        
    (     )20. A  determination
    B. picked     
    B. check      
    B. wait for   
    B. sorry      
    B. condition  
    B. action     
    B. market     
    B. stopped    
    B. identify   
    B. know       
    B. eating     
    B. offered    
    B. even if    
    B. Until      
    B. caught     
    B. surprise   
    B. marked     
    B. Fortunately     
    B. quickly    
    B. pity       
    C. dropped    
    C. advice     
    C. make for   
    C. angry      
    C. les.son    
    C. time       
    C. shop       
    C. called     
    C. know       
    C. ask        
    C. sitting    
    C. demanded   
    C. as long as 
    C. Once       
    C. kept       
    C. relief     
    C. remembered     
    C. Naturally  
    C. finally    
    C. love       
    D. let           
    D. operation     
    D. call for      
    D. upset         
    D. intention     
    D. steps         
    D. restaurant    
    D. decided       
    D. declare       
    D. talk          
    D. driving       
    D. promised                   
    D. so that       
    D. Unless        
    D. found         
    D. scene         
    D. explained     
    D. Hopefully     
    D. safely        
    D. responsibility

    本题信息:2011年模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。Last week I was sitting in the lobby of a medical building when I heard an elderly woman talking on thephone about her husband. His name ...” 主要考查您对


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