

  • 完形填空
    When I walked into the house after school, the first thing I noticed was a box with items I recognized from my dad's office.
    "What are you doing home?" I asked _1_.
    "Andrew, I was  2  today,"he answered quietly.
    I was sure he was joking."No, you weren't. Why are you really home?"
    Then I noticed his   3  and realized he was telling the truth. My father has always been a hard
    worker and  4  himself on his career.  5  for our family has been his job, and I guess I had taken
    his work  6  .
    My father's unemployment created many changes in our life. For starters, he was home all the time,
      7  meant my bed had to be made, my room  8  , and my homework done right after school. I would
    come home every day to find him at the computer  9  jobs. I began to notice how down he seemed,
    though he tried to be  10  . For the first time, I saw my dad as the vulnerable(易受伤害的). I  11  my
    allowance(零用钱), even though it wasn't much; I felt like the right thing to do. I  12  found a parttime
    After several difficult months of searching, my dad decided to go in a totally different direction. He
       13 that he never wanted to be laid off again, so he was going to start his own business.
    One evening I asked if he needed help.
    "  14  it doesn't interfere (妨碍) with your study," he said.
    I  15  at his office the next afternoon, and most afternoons after that for two months. I always knew
    he was a hard worker, but watching him  16  really impacted me.  17  this was one of the worst
    experiences for our family, it taught me a lot about dealing with adversity (逆境). Now I know that
    through  18  problemsolving, I can always find Plan B to ask for help, and take risks.  19  I have
    learned from my dad's understanding of business and his work ethic are two of the most important
    lessons in my life, and will be my  20  for success.
    (     )1. A. casually        
    (     )2. A. carried off    
    (     )3. A. fairness        
    (     )4. A. regarded        
    (     )5. A. Providing      
    (     )6. A. for help        
    (     )7. A. that            
    (     )8. A. cleaned up      
    (     )9. A. answering for  
    (     )10. A. athletic      
    (     )11. A. gave up        
    (     )12. A. however        
    (     )13. A. introduced    
    (     )14. A. Only if        
    (     )15. A. showed up      
    (     )16. A. in charge      
    (     )17. A. Now            
    (     )18. A. alternative    
    (     )19. A. That          
    (     )20. A. consideration  
    B. seriously      
    B. paid off        
    B. look            
    B. prided          
    B. Serving        
    B. for sure        
    B. what            
    B. dried up        
    B. waiting for    
    B. optimistic      
    B. found out      
    B. always          
    B. declined        
    B. What if        
    B. showed off      
    B. in action      
    B. As              
    B. creative        
    B. Which          
    B. destination    
    C. shyly          
    C. seen off        
    C. expression      
    C. considered      
    C. Giving          
    C. for pleasure    
    C. which          
    C. divided up      
    C. searching for  
    C. authentic      
    C. gave in        
    C. also            
    C. explained      
    C. As if          
    C. kept up        
    C. in person      
    C. Since          
    C. attractive      
    C. What            
    C. education      
    D. absolutely      
    D. laid off        
    D. weakness        
    D. worked          
    D. Undertaking      
    D. for granted      
    D. whom            
    D. made up          
    D. hoping for      
    D. active          
    D. put away        
    D. well            
    D. explored        
    D. Even if          
    D. set off          
    D. in trouble      
    D. Although        
    D. conservative    
    D. Where            
    D. foundation      

    本题信息:2012年同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
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