

  • 阅读理解
    Mr. Clinton and his 13-year-old son Tony are basketball fans. Last October 10th was Tony's
    birthday, so Mr. Clinton decided to drive him to New York, for the first game of the World Series.
    They had no ticket but hoped to buy a pair fromscalpers.
    It was a two hours' ride. After they arrived, they walked in the street for two hours, carrying a sign
    (牌子) that read, " We need two tickets." There were many scalpers around, but the cheapest ticket
    was $200. They were about to leave when suddenly a man stopped them. He took out two tickets and
    handed them to Mr. Clinton.
    "How much do you want?"
    "Just a present," said the man. "Enjoy the game."
    Mr. Clinton wouldn't accept, so the man explained, "I'm Jackson. Hans is my boss. He and his wife
    haven't missed a World Series in 18 years. But he is ill and can't watch the game this time. So he told me
    to give the two tickets to people who I thought would actually enjoy the game. A lot of people looked
    as if they might just take the tickets and sell them. Then I saw you and I followed you for a while. You
    seemed very disappointed. You made me think of my dad and me when I was a child. I dreamed of
    going to a World Series game with my father. But my dream never came true."
    How do you suppose this made Mr. Clinton and his son feel? Here is what Mr. Clinton said: "This is
    the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other over 30
    times and said, 'I can't believe this.' We still never forget Jackson and Hans."
    1. The underlined wordscalpersin the first paragraph means ______.
    A. people who buy tickets at a reasonable price
    B. people who sell tickets at a reasonable price
    C. people who buy tickets at a high price
    D. people who sell tickets at a high price
    本题信息:2012年河北省月考题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张铁富(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “Mr. Clinton and his 13-year-old son Tony are basketball fans. Last October 10th was Tony'sbirthday, so Mr. Clinton decided to drive him to New York...” 主要考查您对


  • 故事类阅读




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