

  • 阅读理解

         In 2009, Shanghai-born Charles K. Kao and two North American scientists got the 2009 Nobel
     Prize (诺贝尔奖)  in Physics together.  Their work made the Internet come into a new age.
          Kao, 77, was born in Shanghai in 1933.  He is famous for finding out how to transmit (传输)  light
     signals (信号) over long ways through glass fibers (玻璃纤维) as thin as a human hair. His work makes
     the Internet information transmit faster around the world. Kao was vice chancellor (副校长) of the
     Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1987 to 1996. He doesn't work, and lives in Hong Kong now.
         The Chinese people were pleased to learn the good news. "The people of Hong Kong and I send our
     congratulations to Kao on receiving the prize. Kao is also a true gentleman. We are greatly proud to
     have  such an excellent person in Hong Kong. " Zeng Yinquan once said.
        Willard Boyle, a Canadian American, and George Smith of the Untied States got the other half of the
    1. Charles K. Kao was born in _____.
        A. Shanghai              
        B. Hong Kong          
        C. New York
    2. How many scientists got the 2009 Noble Prize in Physics together?
        A. One.              
        B. Two.            
        C. Three.
    3. Zeng Yinquan thinks Kao is _____.
        A. an excellent person in Hong Kong
        B. a good student
        C. an honest friend
    4. Which of the following is NOT true?
        A. Kao's work makes the Internet information transmit faster around the world.
        B. Kao is still working in the Chinese University of Hong Kong now.
        C. Willard Boyle and George Smith are both scientists.
    5. The Chinese people feel _____ at the news that Kao got the Noble Prize.
        A. interested          
        B. surprised          
        C. happy

    本题信息:2012年期末题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:解桂莲
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