

  • 阅读理解
    About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and
    a young boy sat down at the next table, I couldn't help overhearing parts of their conversation. At
    one point the woman asked: "So, how have you been?" And the boy-who could not have been
    more than seven or eight years old-replied. "Frankly, I've been feeling a little depressed lately."
    This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing.
    As far as I can remember, my friends and I didn't find out we were "depressed" until we were in high
    The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children don't seem
    childlike anymore. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like
    adults than they used to.
    Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different. Childhood as it once
    was no longer exists, Why?
    Human development is based not only on innate (天生的) biological states, but also on patterns
    of access to social knowledge. Movement from one social rote to another usually involves learning
    the secrets of the new status. Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages:
    traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.
    In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation (揭示.  machine has been installed in 98 percent
    of American homes. It is called television, Television passes information, and indiscriminately (不加
    区分地), to all viewers alike, be they children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation, many children
    turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more vivid moving pictures.
    Communication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social
    information to which children have access. Reading and writing involve a complex code of symbols
    that must be memorized and practices. Children must read simple books before they can read complex
    1. According to the author, feeling depressed is ________.
    A. a sure sign of a psychological problem in a child
    B. something hardly to be expected in a young child
    C. an inevitable has of children's mental development
    D. a mental scale present in all humans, including children
    2. Traditionally, a child is supposed to learn about the adult world ________.
    A. through contact with society
    B. gradually and under guidance
    C. naturally and by biological instinct
    D. through exposure to social information
    3. The phenomenon that today's children seem adult like is attributed by the author to ________.
    A. the widespread influence of television
    B. the poor arrangement of teaching content
    C. the fast pace of human intellectual development
    D. the constantly rising standard of living
    4. Why is the author in favor of communication through print for children?
    A. It enables children to gain more social information.
    B. It develops children's interest in reading and writing.
    C. It helps children to memorize and practice more.
    D. It can control what children are to learn.
    5. What does the author think of the change in today's children?
    A. He feels amused by chair premature behavior.
    B. He thinks it is a phenomenon worthy of note.
    C. He considers it a positive development.
    D. He seems to be upset about it.
    本题信息:2012年广东省模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘鸿娟
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  • 故事类阅读




阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。