

  • 阅读理解
    Nine-year-old Jack Russell terrier George is being honored with a bravery medal for saving five New
    Zealand children from an attack by two pit bulls. The medal from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA ) comes after former US Marine Jerrell Hudman said he was sending his Purple Heart medal to George's owner after hearing of the dog's bravery.
    Feisty, 30cm tall George, who had a heart problem, fought with the pit bulls to keep them from
    attacking the youngest of five children as they returned home from buying sweets at a neighborhood shop
    in the small North Island town of Manaia on April 29.
    The Jack Russell was badly injured in the fight. "It was an extraordinary act of  heroism" said the
    animal protection society's chief executive, Robyn Kippenberger. Authorities have killed the two pit bulls,
    and their owner faces prosecution for owning dangerous and unconotrolled dogs.
    Kippenberger said her group's award, the SPCA medal, normally given to humans for bravery in
    aiding animals, has not been awarded to a dog since 1990. The two previous dog winners were trained
    police dogs. "That he weighed into a couple of dogs much larger than himself, clearly to protect a child, is
    just a most amazing act and needs to be recognized," she told The Associated Press. The bravery medal
    will be presented to George's owner at the children's school.
    Meanwhile, former US marine Jerrell Hudman told the local Taranaki Herald newspaper that he
    would honor the terrier's bravery by mailing to New Zealand one of the three Purple Heart medals he
    was awarded for service in Vietnam in 1967. Purple Hearts are given to US troops wounded or killed in
    battles. Hudman 58, of Austin, Texas, described George as a "little warrior" who deserved the honor.

    1. How many medals were given to George for his bravery act?

    A. One
    B. Two
    C. Three
    D. Four

    2. What's true about the two pit bulls?

    A.Their owner has killed them because of prosecution.
    B.They were honored with a bravery medal.
    C.They are dangerous and uncontrolled
    D.They saved five children against an attack.

    3. The bravery medal is usually given to ______.

    A.whoever defends animals bravely
    B.people who train police dogs successfully
    C.those who protect children during their daily life
    D.solider wounded or killed in the battle

    4. The text mainly wants to tell us ______.

    A. which kind of dog is brave most
    B. a dog gets medals for saving kids
    C. the career of Jerrel Hudman
    D. the function of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
    本题信息:2012年模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
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