

  • 完形填空
    One day, an expert in time-management was speaking to a group of business students. To make the
    point  1  , he used an illustration.
    As he stood in front of the group, he said, "Okay, time for a quiz." He then pulled out a wide-mouth
    jar and set it on the table. Then he  2  placed about a dozen fist-sized rocks, one by one, into the jar.
    When the jar was filled to the   3  and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is this jar  4   ?"
    Everyone in the class said, "Yes."
    "Really?" Then he  5  under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel (沙砾,石子), dumped some
    in and  6  the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space  7  the big rocks.
    Then he asked the group the same question. "Probably not." One of them answered. "Good!" he replied.
    He reached under the table and  8  a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it
    went into all the   9  left between the rocks and the gravel. 10 he asked the question. "No!" the class
    shouted. "Good!" Then he grabbed a can of water and began to pour it in  11  the jar was filled to the
    Then the expert in time-management looked at the class and asked, "What is the  12  of this
    illustration?" It is such a seemingly easy question that one  13  student raised his hand and said, "It is,
    however full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always  14  some more things in it."
    "No," the speaker replied, "The truth it teaches us is that you will  15  get them in at all if you don't put
    the big rocks in first.  16  the big rocks in your life are, do things that you love and  17  for yourself.
    In your schedule if you value the little stuff then you'll fill your life with  18  things and you will never
    have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important stuff. So, tonight, or in the morning,
    when you are 19 on this short story, ask yourself what are the 'big rocks' in your life? Then put those in
    your  20  first."
    (     )1. A. harder
    (     )2. A. carefully
    (     )3. A. edge
    (     )4. A. full
    (     )5. A. sent
    (     )6. A. delivered
    (     )7. A. beneath
    (     )8. A. put out
    (     )9. A. spaces
    (     )10. A. At last
    (     )11. A. unless
    (     )12. A. meaning
    (     )13. A. calm
    (     )14. A. add
    (     )15. A. never
    (     )16. A. Whether
    (     )17. A. conclude
    (     )18. A. more
    (     )19. A. reflecting
    (     )20. A. packet
    本题信息:2012年江苏模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。One day, an expert in time-management was speaking to a group of business students. To make thepoint 1 , he used an illustration.As he st...” 主要考查您对


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