

  • 阅读理解
    It was several years since Adolf Hitler came into power in Germany. And now his army was marching into
    some parts of Europe. He must be in the prime of his career.
    One day Hitler went to an exhibition where the works of school children were on show. He seemed to have
    great interest in the exhibits-inventions as well as carvings, drawings. After having walked around the hall and
    examined everything, he said he was ready to meet the young artists. And soon a group of children came into
    the room to salute (向-----敬礼) him.
    "Well, well. You did very good work." nodded Hitler in satisfaction. "I promise on my honor I'd satisfy you
    with whatever you want. What'd you wish to be if I were your father?"
    "A sailor sailing the sea." one of the boys answered.
    "Good. I'll have you join my navy and some day you will rule the oceans."
    "Ask for anything? What'd you wish to be if I were your father?" he asked a second boy.
    "A painter as great as Rembruant."
    "Good. You are to be sent to the Fine Art School and surely you will make an even greater painter."
    When Hitler caught sight of a sad-looking boy he frowned (皱眉), then quickly forced a smile,"There my
    boy, in spite of my point of view towards the Jews, I'd do you a favor and your dream will come true. What'd
    you wish to be if I were your father?"
    The boy looked straight at the man.
    "An orphan (the child who has no parents)." he murmured.
    1. Hitler promised to satisfy the children with whatever they want because _____.
    [     ]

    A. he wanted all the children to live a happy life
    B. he wanted to make a good impression on the children
    C. he liked paintings very much
    D. he liked all the children
    2. Hitler frowned when he saw the sad-looking boy because _____.
    [     ]

    A. the boy was recognized to be a Jew
    B. the boy didn't come to the front to salute him
    C. the boy didn't want to ask for anything
    D. the boy was sad-looking
    3. Judging by what the boy said we can see that _____.
    [     ]

    A. the boy's parents had died
    B. the boy had no brothers or sisters
    C. the boy hated Hitler very much
    D. the boy wanted himself to be an orphan
    4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
    [     ]

    A. Hitler wanted to be the father of the children.
    B. The boy was both clever and courageous (勇敢的).
    C. Rembruant was a great painter.
    D. Hitler did not like Jews.
    本题信息:2011年月考题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。It was several years since Adolf Hitler came into power in Germany. And now his army was marching intosome parts of Europe. He must be in...” 主要考查您对


  • 故事类阅读




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