

  • 阅读理解
    Time Temp Glasses
    Are you a person who wants to know the time and temperature during the day? You might like Temp Glasses. These special glasses show the time above your right eye and the temperature your left eye. It is surely easier than wearing a wristwatch, and you never have to guess the Tature.
    Alarm() Fork
    Do you eat too quickly? Do you eat too much? How can the Alarm Fork help you? Aren’t you is (好奇的)? Well, this special fork has two lights: one green and one red. When the green is on, it’s OK to eat a piece of food. The fork "knows" when you eat a piece, and soon the red goes on. Wait for the green light before you eat another piece.
    Smell This
    Sow do you know if your breath smells nice, or if it smells bad? It’s difficult It) know, because it’s very hard to smell the air that comes out of your own mouth. Smell This is useful for this ion. Smell This covers your nose and your mouth. Docs your breath smell nice, or do you need a piece of gum(口香糖)?
    Banana Suitcase(手提箱)
    Has this ever happened to you? You put a banana in your bag lunch in the morning, and when pen the bag at noon, the banana looks like someone drove a car over it. If you put your banana Banana Suitcase, this will never happen. It keeps a banana safe, delicious, and looking like a m!
    小题1:The writer thinks that the four inventions are_.
    A.dangerousB.uselessC.unusual D.expensive
    小题2:A person who wants to lose weight may be interested in_.
    A.Time Temp GlassesB.Alarm ForkC.Smell ThisD.Banana Suitcase
    小题3:Which invention is most helpful for someone waiting for a train?
    A.Time Temp Glasses.B.Alarm I ink.C.Smell This.D.Banana Suitcase.
    小题4:If you want to know how your breath is. you may buy _.
    A.Time Temp GlassesB.Alarm ForkC.Smell ThisD.Banana Suitcase
    小题5:Who might use the Banana Suitcase?
    A.A person who eats bananas only at home.
    B.Someone who needs to throw away a banana.
    C.A person who has little interest in eating bananas.
    D.Someone who loves bananas and brings lunch to school every day.

    本题信息:英语阅读理解难度一般 来源:未知
  • 本题答案
  • 答案解析
本试题 “Time Temp GlassesAre you a person who wants to know the time and temperature during the day? You might like Temp Glasses. These special glasses sho...” 主要考查您对


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