

  • 阅读理解
    On a hot summer day, ice-cold watermelon serves up a delicious treat. Sure, the rosy flesh(果肉)quenches your
    (解渴). But now there are more reasons than ever for people to reach for a slice of watermelon.
    Meet Dr. Alison Edwards. She is a scientist at the Agricultural Research Service. Scientists are people who come
    up with new ideas calledtheories(理论). They usually do scientific research to test their new theories. That's how
    they find out if a new idea is a good one, or if the new idea will bring an even better idea.
    At her lab, Dr. Edwards recently learned more about the secrets of why watermelon is good for you!
    Dr. Edwards has known for a long time that watermelon has vitamin C. But recently she learned that watermelon
    also has lycopene(番茄红素). It is something that gives tomatoes and watermelon their rosy red color.
    What's so special about the lycopene in watermelon?
    Dr. Edwards says that watermelon and tomatoes both have lots of lycopene. It seems that your body can use the
    lycopene from   watermelon more easily than the lycopene from raw(生 的) tomatoes.   In fact,    the lycopene from
    tomatoes is more easily absorbed(吸收) inside your body once they have been cooked.
    1. The watermelon is a kind of _____.
    A. drink
    B. fruit
    C. medicine
    D. vitamin
    2. How does a scientist usually test a theory?
    A. By practicing it in daily life.
    B. By doing scientific research.
    C. By discussing it with other scientists.
    D. By looking into many scientific reports.
    3. Lycopene is something that gives tomatoes and watermelon their ____ color.
    A. red
    B. green
    C. black
    D. yellow
    4. To make full use of tomatoes, we'd better _______.
    A. eat them raw
    B. not peel them
    C. cook them first
    D. make them into juice
    5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A. Our bodies cannot absorb lycopene.
    B. Watermelon is good for us in hot summer.
    C. Tomatoes have more lycopene than watermelon does.
    D. Lycopene in watermelon is hard for our bodies to absorb.
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:吴月晶(初中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。On a hot summer day, ice-cold watermelon serves up a delicious treat. Sure, the rosyflesh(果肉)quenches yourthirst(解渴). But now there a...” 主要考查您对


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