

  • 阅读理解
    The first group of 680 tourists from the Chinese mainland (大陆) have started their sightseeing in
    Taiwan after taking unforgettable flights to arrive on the island on July 4, 2008. Many of them first
    visited the Sun Moon Lake, a famous scenic spot on the island, which is also known well by the
    mainland tourists.
    A couple in their 70s said they were excited to realize the dream of visiting the Sun Moon Lake,
    which they have seen only in books before.
    In a restaurant on the lake side, the owner named Cheng Gong said he was delighted at the arrival
    of mainland tourists.
    "We have been expecting (期待) the mainland tourists for many years and at last they are here,"
    he said.
    The tourists stayed on the island for ten days. Their trip covered most famous natural and cultural
    attractions (景点) around the island in Taipei, Kaohsiung, Ali Mountain and the Sun Moon Lake and
    other places.
    According to the agreements, now mainland tourists in 21cities can fly to Taiwan directly. With
    more flights to Taiwan, the cost of getting to Taiwan from Shenzhen has dropped. The lowest price
    for travel to Taiwan from Shenzhen now is around 6,000 yuan (US$883) for a six-day round trip.
    Why not spread your wings and enjoy yourselves on the wonderful island?
    1. How did the first group of mainland tourists arrive on the island?
    [     ]

    A. By boat
    B. By air
    C. By underground
    D. By ship
    2. Why was the restaurant owner expecting the mainland visitors to come? Because _______.
    [     ]

    A. he could earn more money
    B. he could see relatives from the mainland
    C. he could know more about China
    D. he could receive letters from them
    3. How much did the first group of mainland tourists spend on their trip to Taiwan?
    [     ]

    A. US$883
    B. 6000 yuan
    C. under 6000 yuan
    D. much more than US$883
    4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    [     ]

    A. The mainland Chinese didn't know about the Sun Moon Lake until last July.
    B. The tourists visited all the famous cultural and natural attractions in Taiwan.
    C. You can fly to Taiwan directly from twenty-one mainland cities.
    D. An old couple wrote a book about the most scenic area the Sun Moon Lake.
    5. What's the best title of this passage?
    [     ]

    A. Direct flights from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan
    B. Mainland tourists bring benefit (利益) to Taiwanese
    C. Chinese mainland tourists start sightseeing in Taiwan
    D. The cost of the trip to Taiwan has dropped
    本题信息:2010年广东省月考题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。The first group of 680 tourists from the Chinese mainland (大陆) have started their sightseeing inTaiwan after taking unforgettable fligh...” 主要考查您对


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