

  • 阅读理解
    There is nothing else but economy that occupies the minds of Americans at present times of economic
    crisis (经济危机). The statistics on unemployment, housing costs and consumer confidence keep coming
    and coming, leaving people not just scared to spend money but also very stressed and emotionally
    exhausted. This stress (压力) has an effect on everything, starting with our sleep, moods, physical health,
    relationships and eating habits.
    "Time of economic stress leads to increase rates of depression (忧郁)," says Dr Christopher Palmer,
    director of continuing education at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. "It worsens illness in
    people who have been constantly depressed. But it also causes new cases of depression. Just the fear of
    losing one's job can put people over the edge."
    And, without any doubt,just depression alone can create a variety of bad health effects.
         ● Sleep
    33 percent of Americans reported that they have lost sleep due to the economic crisis.
    26 percent say they are sleeping less than 6 hours per night, which is considered to be at least one hour less than the most favorable 7 to 8 hours recommended by sleep experts.
         ● Mental health,stress and heart attack
    80 percent of Americans reported that last year the economy is a huge source of stress; 49 percent said the situation make them feel nervous or anxious; 48 percent reported that they feel very sad and have
    developed depression.
    Nearly twice the risk of heart attack or death was found in patients with the highest levels of depression or anxiety. Among those individuals, a 10 percent higher rise of heart attack or death was found in those
    whose anxiety rose over time.
         ● Relationships
    The chances of violent (暴力的) behavior are nearly 6 times higher for individuals who are left without a job.
    Workplace stress can lead to domestic violence.
    1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A. Now Americans don't dare to spend money.
    B. Now all Americans have problems in sleeping.
    C. Economy is the most troubling problem for Americans now.
    D. Economic crisis has destroyed many American families.
    2. How does the economic crisis affect most Americans according to the passage?
    A. They sleep less than six hours.
    B. They sleep less than the proper amount.
    C. Diseases caused by economy make them sleepless.
    D. They lose sleep at night.
    3. If a person is out of work, he might _____.
    A. become more violent
    B. get divorced (离婚)
    C. get rid of workplace stress
    D. go mad
    4. The best title of this passage is probably "_____".
    A. The World Economic Crisis is Getting Worse
    B. Economic Crisis Affects Americans' Health
    C. Economic Crisis Causes Trouble to Sleep
    D. Ordinary People Suffer Greatly in Economic Crisis
    本题信息:2011年福建省同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘倩
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。There is nothing else but economy that occupies the minds of Americans at present times of economiccrisis (经济危机). The statistics on u...” 主要考查您对


  • 政治经济类阅读



