

  • 阅读理解
    We now think of chocolate as sweet, but once it was bitter. We think of it-as a candy, but once it was
    a medicine. Today, chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or just a snack. Sometimes it is an
    ingredient in the main course of a meal. Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over
    chicken. The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices like chili peppers.
    Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree. The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys say
    "Ugh!" and run away. Workers must first dry and then roast the beans. This removes the bitter taste.
    The word "chocolate" comes from a Mayan word. The Mayas were an ancient people who once lived
    in Mexico. They valued the cacao tree. Some used the beans for money, while others crushed them to make
    a drink.
    When the Spaniards came to Mexico in the sixteenth century, they started drinking cacao too. Because
    the drink was strong and bitter, they thought it was a medicine. No one had the idea of adding sugar. The
    Spaniards took some beans back to Europe and opened cafes. Wealthy people drank cacao and said it was
    good for the digestion.
    In the 1800s, the owner of a chocolate factory in England discovered that sugar removed the bitter taste
    of cacao. It quickly became a cheap and popular drink. Soon afterwards, a factory made the first solid block
    of sweetened chocolate. Later on, another factory mixed milk and chocolate together. People liked the taste
    of milk chocolate even better.
    Besides the chocolate candy bar, one of the most popular American snacks is the chocolate chip cookie.
    Favorite desserts are chocolate cream pie and of course an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce.
    1. It was ____ that discovered sugar could remove the bitter taste of cacao.
    A. the workers in the chocolate factory
    B. the Spaniards
    C. the people in England
    D. the owner of a chocolate factory
    2. According to the passage which of the following statements is TRUE?
    A. Nobody had the idea of adding sugar into cacao until the sixteenth century.
    B. The word "chocolate" comes from a Mexican word.
    C. The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys like them.
    D. Workers must dry and roast the beans to remove the bitter taste.
    3. The Spaniards think that cacao was a medicine because ____.
    A. it was strong and bitter
    B. it was good for digestion
    C. it cured man' s diseases
    D. it was a kind of drink for good health
    4. Which is the right time order of the events regarding chocolate?
    a. Chocolate became a cheap and popular drink in England.
    b. A factory made the first solid block of sweetened chocolate.
    c. The Spaniards started drinking cacao.
    d. It was found that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao. e. A factory mixed milk and chocolate
    A. a-b-c-d-e
    B. c-d-e-b-a
    C. c-d-a-b-e
    D. c-d-b-e-a
    5. It can be learned from the passage that ____.
    A. chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or a candy bar
    B. the Mayas only used cacao beans for drinking in Mexico
    C. chocolate is a product of the cacao tree
    D. people liked more the taste of solid blocks of sweetened chocolate than that of chocolate mixed with milk
    本题信息:2011年广东省模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。We now think of chocolate as sweet, but once it was bitter. We think of it-as a candy, but once it wasa medicine. Today, chocolate can be...” 主要考查您对


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