

  • 完形填空
    Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to do something good for two people who were complete
    stranger to us. It made us feel so good to be able to do it that I thought I should  1  . We were traveling down
    to Mexico for Thanksgiving week with our family.  2  we sat in the  3  first two seats in the first row of first
    class waiting for the plane to take off. I  4  heard one of the flight attendants (乘务员) telling  5  that there
    was a couple sitting in the  6  of the plane who had just been married the previous day and were on their  7  .
    They had  8  their flight eight months in  9  but, owing to some schedule changes, had not been able to get
     10 together, and no one else on the plane was 11 to move and the bride was in 12 .
    I turned to my husband and told him what I heard. We 13 agreed and I called the flight attendant 14 to tell
    her that we'd be happy to give up our seats to this couple. The flight attendant seemed amazed and said "Really?
    Are you sure?" We said "Absolutely!"
    So, we 15 to the back of the plane in separate seats. The flight attendants were extremely 16 and took
    good care of us even though we were no longer sitting in first 17 , and we both made friends with the people
    sitting around us, who, as it 18 didn't know why the young woman was crying or that they were newly
    married, and had a great flight. I had to go back to the front of the plane to 19 up a forgotten item at one point
    during the flight and 20 that the couple were sitting very close together, happily enjoying champagne. It really
    made my day and Thanksgiving week get off to such a wonderful start!
    (     )1. A. share      
    (     )2. A. Since      
    (     )3. A.quite       
    (     )4. A. carelessly 
    (     )5. A. others     
    (     )6. A. front      
    (     )7. A. business   
    (     )8. A. fixed      
    (     )9. A. air        
    (     )10. A. seats     
    (     )11. A. interested
    (     )12. A. comfort   
    (     )13. A.immediately
    (     )14. A. up        
    (     )15. A.left       
    (     )16. A. beautiful 
    (     )17. A. class     
    (     )18. A. went on   
    (     )19. A.pick       
    (     )20. A. told      
    B. show        
    B. After       
    B. same        
    B. accidentally
    B. us          
    B. middle      
    B. honeymoon   
    B. booked      
    B. time        
    B. champagnes    
    B. willing     
    B. surprise    
    B. differently 
    B. off         
    B. looked      
    B. careful     
    B. flight      
    B. turned out  
    B. give        
    B. informed    
    C. say       
    C. Before    
    C. very      
    C. happily   
    C. them      
    C. head      
    C. research  
    C. checked   
    C. church    
    C. foods     
    C. eager     
    C. tears     
    C. finally   
    C. over      
    C. returned  
    C. thoughtful     
    C. seat      
    C. got along 
    C. clean     
    C. observed  
    D. prove       
    D. Though      
    D. just        
    D. sadly       
    D. everyone    
    D. back        
    D. expedition  
    D. got         
    D. advance     
    D. tickets     
    D. friendly    
    D. fear        
    D. unbelievably          
    D. out         
    D. moved       
    D. grateful    
    D. plane       
    D. took off    
    D. look        
    D. heard       

    本题信息:2011年四川省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to do something good for two people who were completestranger to us. It made us feel so go...” 主要考查您对


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