

  • 阅读理解
    George Zimmerman's first court appearance before a Florida judge came on Tuesday in connection
    with the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The case has caused a national debate in the United
    States about race, self-defense laws and gun control.
    It was the first time the public had gotten to see and hear from George Zimmerman. The judge said he
    had found probable cause to move ahead with the case and told Zimmerman he would be formally
    charged on May 29th.
    Zimmerman turned himself into authorities on Wednesday night, just before special prosecutor (检举
    人)Angela Corey announced the charge against him.
    Corey told reporters she would fight for Trayvon Martin.
    "It's the victims and justice that we work tirelessly for " Corey said.
    Zimmerman says he shot Martin in self-defense after spotting the teenager in a gated community
    where   Martin's father lives. He told police Martin attacked him during a conflict.The shooting caused a
    national cry led by Martin's parents who insisted their son was murdered. They also accused Zimmerman
    of targeting their son because he was black.
    "We just wanted an arrest and we got it," Trayvon Martin's mother Fulton said.
    Many in Sanford, Florida -the city where the shooting took place-welcomed the charge.
    "All of us were wanting this to move on and get to this process where it is now into the justice
    system," one man said.
    "It was long overdue (迟到的) and I am glad they decided to do something," another said.
    Police did not initially charge Zimmerman with a crime because of a Florida law that says a person
    has a right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force. Prosecutor Corey say:
    '' I'm prepared to argue the issue if Zimmerman uses the self-defense law in court''.
    Mark O'Mara, Zimmerman's lawyer, would not make his plan public, but he said his client (委托人)
    was worried about the trial.
    "If found guilty of the second-degree murder charge, Zimmerman could face up to life in prison.",
    O'Mara said.
    1. Why did the case draw so much attention around U.S.A?
    A. Because George Zimmerman was very cruel when he killed Trayvon Martin.
    B. Because Trayvon Martin's father was a famous lawyer.
    C. Because the case was related with race, self-defense laws and gun control.
    D. Because George Zimmerman would be sentenced to life in prison.
    2. What's Angela Corey's attitude towards this case?
    A. She showed sympathy for the black people.
    B. She wanted to defend justice for the victims.
    C. She hated George Zimmerman very much.
    D. She was against self-defense.
    3. Which of the relationships isNOTtrue?
    A. Zimmerman shot Martin during a conflict.
    B. Mark O'Mara was Zimmerman's lawyer.
    C. Sybrina Fulton was Martin's mother.
    D. Angela Corey was the judge of the case.
    4. Which of the following statements is theFact?
    A. Zimmerman turned himself into authorities before he was charged.
    B. Zimmerman would be put into prison.
    C. Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense in a gated community.
    D. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon Martin because he was black.
    5. From the passage we can know        .
    A. all people welcomed the charge in the city where the shooting took place
    B. Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin's mother couldn't agree on how the thing happened
    C. Mark O'Mara was willing to make his plan public
    D. police did not charge Zimmerman with a crime at last
    本题信息:2012年山东省模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
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