

  • 阅读理解
    Mrs. Allen's husband died ten years ago when her son and daughter were still in high school. Mr. Allen
    had left some money, and since Mrs. Allen had managed a bookstore before she was married, she took the
    money and bought a shop in town. Later she moved the shop out to the shopping center.
    She was a pleasant woman; she worked hard and was well-informed about books, and so the bookstore
    prospered (生意兴隆) and she was able to hire a friend to help her.
    Laura Barnes, Mrs. Allen's friend and assistant, was also a widow. She had some free time and the need
    for a little extra-money, and so she took the job in the bookstore. She was too clever and friendly, and the
    two women were well-known in the neighbourhood as "Mrs. A" and "Mrs. B".
    1. How many people in all were there in the two women's families? _____.
    A. At least 8
    B. At least 7
    C. At least 6
    D. At least 4
    2. The bookstore prospered _____.
    A. after Mrs. Allen lost control of it
    B. before Mrs. A got to know Mrs.
    B C. because the two women had little housework to do
    D. because Mrs. A became expert at management and threw herself into it
    3. Why did Mrs. A hire Mrs. B? _____.
    A. Mrs. B asked for very little pay
    B. She believed that Mrs.
    B was the very person to help her to improve management
    C. Mrs. B was a friend of hers D. she was also that kind of woman like her
    4. Which of the following is true? _____.
    A. Mrs. A set up her bookshop in the shopping center
    B. Mr. Allen was dead but Mr. Barnes alive
    C. Mrs. A managed to set another bookstore with Mrs. B
    D. The two children of Mrs. A were of the same age
    本题信息:2011年河北省模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
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