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    There are some great differences between the traditional family and the modern family.
    The first important difference is in the man’s role.The traditional husband was the head of the household because he was the only one who worked outside the home.If the wife worked for money,then the husband was not considered to be a good provider,In many families today,both husband and wife work for money.Therefore,they share the role of head of household.In addition,the traditional husband usually made big decisions about spending money.However,the modern husband shares these decisions with his working wife.Also,the traditional husband did not help his wife with housework or meal preparation.  Dinner was ready when he came home,In contrast,the modern husband helps his working wife at home.He may do some of the household chores,and it is not unusual for him to cook.
    The second difference is in the woman’s role. In the traditional family,the woman may have worked for miney during her first years of marriage.However,when she gave birth,she would usually give up her job. Her primary role would be to take care of her family and home.In contrast,in many families today,the modern woman works outside the home even after she has children .She’s doing two jobs instead of one,so she is busier than the traditional mother was.The traditional wife learned to live within her husband’s income.But the modern wife does not have to because the family has two incomes.
    The final difference is in the role of the children .In the traditional family,the children were taken care of by the mother because she didn’t work outside.However,today pre-school children may go to a child-care center or to a baby-sitter regularly because the mother works.The school-age children of a traditional family were more dependent.Their mother was there to help them get ready for school and to make their breakfast.In conrtast,modern children are more independent.They have to get up early and get ready for school themselves,and they may even have to make their own breakfast.
    小题1:The main idea of the passage is        .
    A.the change of the American society
    B.the change of the American children
    C.the change of the American family
    D.the change of the American adults
    小题2:In the past,if the husband let his wife get a job,        .
    A.people would not think highly of his wife
    B.people would think little of him
    C.people would refuse to be friends with him
    D.people would look up to him
    小题3:The husband in the modern family         .
    A.is still the boss of the family who decides all of the important things
    B.lets the wife make all of the decisions alone
    C.shares big decisions with his working wife
    D.no longer works for money because the wife is working
    小题4:According to the passage,which of the following is true?
    A.The husband in the modern family does a lot of housework except cooking.
    B.Modern wives have more free time because their husbands share housework.
    C.Modern wives no longer cook dinners for husbands.
    D.It’s common for men to buy dishes,send children to school ,and even cook in a modern family.

    本题信息:英语阅读理解难度一般 来源:未知
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本试题 “There are some great differences between the traditional family and the modern family.The first important difference is in the man’s role.The tradi...” 主要考查您对


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