

  • 阅读理解

         We are going to describe one way to build a rooftop garden that does not even require
    soil. Four things are needed for a small rooftop garden. One thing is a roof that can support
    the weight. Another is grass cutting. The third thing is a sheet of plastic in which to spread
    the cut grass. And the last thing is a box about eight centimeters deep and made out of four
    pieces of wood.
         Once you are sure the roof is good, cut and collect some grass. Then lay down the
    plastic where the garden box will go. The four-sided box can be as long and as wide as
    needed. Place the box on top of the sheet of plastic. Then fill it with the cut grass. Next,
    add water and walk on the cuttings to press them down.
         After about three weeks, the rooftop garden is ready for planting. Put the seeds directly
    into the wet grass cuttings. This garden is a good place to grow peas, tomatoes, beans, onions
    and lettuce. If the box is deep enough, potatoes and carrots will also grow.
         It is important to keep the grass wet until the plants begin to grow. When the plants are
    growing, they will need watering every day, unless there is rain. And they will need some liquid
    fertilizer. Also, seeds and new plants must be protected from insects and birds. Rooftop
    gardens are increasingly popular, and not just to grow vegetables. They keep buildings cooler
    in the sun, so they save energy. They can also extend the useful life of a roof.
         Rooftop gardens also reduce the runoff of storm water and help clean the air. Plus the
    add beauty, and give birds and insects in the city a nice place to live.

    The building of a rooftop vegetable garden


    Things needed 1._______ Requirements
    a roof to  2._____ the weight 3.  _____and strong enough
    grass cutting to be used as  4.____ to be pressed down
    本题信息:2012年安徽省期中题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:王振兴
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