

  • 完形填空
    There was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference in my life.
    Fa11,1959,the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin, "Who" .
    I asked a senior, "is  Mrs McNamara, my l0th grade English teacher?" He just__1_and said something
    about my being in _2_. Soon,l understood what he meant. Mrs McNamara had a pattem of __3_that she
    repeated again and again. We would have a literature reading task for_4_.The next day, when we came
    to class, there would be two or three topics on the blackboard_5__ to the homework reading. We were
    _6_ to write an in-class essay about one of the topics. The following day , she would_7_the corrected
    and graded essays andeach person would be called_8_to stand in front of the class and to_9_ his/her
    essay. The class were required to criticize(评论) that  essay ,__10__ the grade of everyone in class
    would  be reduced.
    The first time that I _11her read-write-criticize method . I had not _12_ to do the homework and had
    written something without knowing what it meant._13_the extreme embarrassment I sufferred,standing
    before my classmates , _14_myself. No one laughed
    at me;no one would be _15_ enough ,or foolish enough ,to do that  in Mrs McNamara's class. The
    embarrassment came from_16_and along with it came a strong_17_not to let it happen again.
    Mrs McNamara kept all of our written work in files;it was easy to see the_18_ in writing that had
    occurred. What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken place, at least for me.
    What Mrs McNamara_19 me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that.l could
    improve myself. And I_20__. Thank you,Mrs McNamara.
    (     )1. A. nodded            
    (     )2. A. trouble            
    (     )3. A. behaviour          
    (     )4. A. review            
    (     )5. A. added              
    (     )6. A. expected          
    (     )7. A. collect            
    (     )8. A. on purpose        
    (     )9. A. talk through      
    (     )10. A. so                
    (     )11. A. tried            
    (     )12. A. undertaken        
    (     )13. A. Remember          
    (     )14. A. playing jokes on  
    (     )15. A. brave            
    (     )16. A. above            
    (     )17. A. tendency          
    (     )18. A. improvements      
    (     )19. A. trusted          
    (     )20. A. did              
    B. laughed          
    B. sorrow            
    B.  evaluation      
    B. performance      
    B. related          
    B. persuaded        
    B. return            
    B. at first          
    B. hand over        
    B. and              
    B. adopted          
    B. attempted        
    B. Predict          
    B. making a fool of  
    B. careless          
    B. within            
    B. preference        
    B. pains            
    B. invited          
    B. could            
    C. apologized        
    C. danger            
    C.  activity          
    C. practice          
    C. contributed        
    C. allowed            
    C. send              
    C. by chance          
    C. read out          
    C. but                
    C. examined          
    C. bothered          
    C. Bear              
    C. setting a trap for
    C. proud              
    C. behind            
    C. determination      
    C. difficulties      
    C. forced            
    C. had                
    D. shouted                
    D. anger                  
    D. thought                
    D. homework                
    D. compared                
    D. advised                
    D. receive                
    D. in turn                
    D. show off                
    D. or                      
    D. experienced            
    D. hesitated              
    D. Imagine                
    D. taking advantage of    
    D. selfish                
    D. below                  
    D. sense                  
    D. advantages              
    D. permitted              
    D. would                  

    本题信息:2012年同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空There was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference in my life.Fa11,1959,the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase Hig...” 主要考查您对


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