

  • 阅读理解
    In 1970, tragedy struck the Gerstman family when Harvey and Carol Gerstman's daughter, Lisa
    Beth, was killed in a summer camp bus accident.Because camp had been such a joy in Lisa Beth's life,
    the Gerstmans wanted to start a foundation in her name.They wanted to bring that same summer camp
    joy Lisa Beth felt to other children.When Lisa Beth's brother, Dan, heard the Cross Island YMCA
    (CIYMCA) was looking for funds to help send physically disabled childrento summer camp, he knew
    it was the perfect way to keep Lisa Beth's memory alive.
    Dan soon learned that many disabled children spent the summer indoors while their ablebodied peers
    enjoyed camp.The added costs of onetoone care and specialized busing for the disabled children
    prevented them from being able to join in summer camp.The Gerstman family responded to this need by
    setting up the Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation in 2003.Its mission (使命) is to provide children with
    physical disabilities the opportunity to attend camps in an integrated (综合的) setting.
    During its first summer, the foundation teamed up with CIYMCA and funded 20 physically disabled
    kids with varying degrees of disabilities.The children were given the opportunity to experience the joys
    of summer camp, build lasting friendships and develop their selfconfidence.
    Over the last five years, the Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation has been partnering with camps that are
    willing to launch (发起) integrated programs that include wheelchair accessible transportation, onetoone
    swimming instruction, adaptive physical education equipment and training, all in a caring environment
    where the children join in all regular camp activities.Last summer, the foundation partnered with six
    camps, which allowed a total of 150 physically disabled children to experience summer camp.

    1. What stopped disabled kids from joining in summer camp according to the passage?

    A. Some extracosts for it.
    B. Lack of enough time
    C. No permission from parents.
    D. Lack of selfconfidence.

    2. What's the purpose of setting up the Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation?

    A. To develop children's confidence.
    B. To raise money for disabled children.
    C. To organize summer camp for different people.
    D. To make it possible for disabled children to attend camps.

    3. According to the passage, the Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation ________.

    A. is in the charge of CIYMCA
    B. has a history of over 30 years
    C. has gained support from camps
    D. funded 150 disabled kids during its first summer
    本题信息:2011年陕西省同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:耿辉(高中英语)
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