

  • 完形填空
    Some years ago I worked with people on public welfare. I believed that everybody had the ability to
    be  1  and all we have to do was to make them start working.
    The first thing I said to them was, "I would like to know what your   2  are." Everyone looked at me
    as if I were  3  . One woman said "I don't know what you can  4 with dreams. The rats are eating up my
    kids." I said. "That's terrible. You are very much  5 with the rats and your kids. How can we help?" " I
    could use a new screen door(纱门)because there are  6  in the old."  I asked, "Is there anybody
    knowing  7  to fix it?" A man said, "Long ago I used to do things like that but now I have a bad back,
    but I'll  8  ." I gave him some money to do that.
    The next week, when the group was  9  , I asked the woman, "Well, is your  10  door fixed?" "Oh,
    yes," she said. "Then we can start dreaming, right?" She 11  at me. I asked the man, "How do you feel?"
    He said, "Well, it's funny that I'm beginning to feel a lot  12  ." These seemingly small  13  allowed the
    group to see that dreams were not stupid. One woman  14  that she wanted to be a secretary. I said, "
    What 15  in your way?" She answered, "I have six kids, and no one can 16  them while I'm away." I
    asked "Who would help this woman while she gets some  17 at school?" Another woman said "I got
    kids, too, but I could do that." So the woman went to school.
    In 12 weeks these people were  18  public welfare. The woman who  19  the children became a
    licensed foster care (代别人照看孩子)person. The man became a handyman. I've not only done that
      20  , I've done it many times.
    (     )1. A. self-confident
    (     )2. A. purposes  
    (     )3. A. crazy  
    (     )4. A. live  
    (     )5. A. involved
    (     )6. A. rats  
    (     )7. A. what   
    (     )8. A. continue  
    (     )9. A. sat  
    (     )10. A. new  
    (     )11. A. laughed
    (     )12. A. better
    (     )13. A. strengths
    (     )14. A. complained
    (     )15. A. stands
    (     )16. A. take care
    (     )17. A. education   
    (     )18. A. back   
    (     )19. A. took in
    (     )20. A. forever
    B. self-employed
    B. goals    
    B. ridiculous
    B. do       
    B. furnished  
    B. holes    
    B. which       
    B. try      
    B. placed    
    B. wood      
    B. smiled    
    B. worse    
    B. weakness    
    B. shouted    
    B. stops    
    B. look after  
    B. help     
    B. off      
    B. took down   
    B. never    
    C. self-independent
    C. hopes    
    C. funny     
    C. go       
    C. equipped   
    C. sinks     
    C. how      
    C. do       
    C. seated    
    C. main      
    C. glared    
    C. more      
    C. successes  
    C. shared    
    C. allows    
    C. attend with
    C. benefit  
    C. on       
    C. took away   
    C. even      

    本题信息:2012年模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
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本试题 “完形填空Some years ago I worked with people on public welfare. I believed that everybody had the ability tobe 1 and all we have to do was to make t...” 主要考查您对


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