

  • 阅读理解
    Technology today has stolen away our voices and robbed our children of memories.  I've been keeping count of how often people sing around the house these days. The fact is,they don't.
    My earliest memories are of my mother crooning lullabies(催眠曲) in a gentle low voice as she rocked each infant in tum.  She said she " didn't have a singing voice," but her low,wavering alto will always mean
    comfort to me.  Every
    time I have sat through the night with a feverish body or held a pre-schooler through a nightmare,the
    melodies returned, words appearing and disappearing like fragments of a dream but held together by the
    hum(低声吟唱)  of love.
    Today,young mothers are routinely presented with lullaby tapes at the baby shower. When baby cries,
    the idea goes,they will be able to switch on the high-tech audio system and the little one will drift off with
    the voices of strangers in his ears,perfectly on pitch.  If I had my way,new parents would learn the songs
    themselves,throw out their stereos,and give their child the gift of their own sleepy voices through the
    midnight hours.
    These days,when we go on a trip,my daughters take along tiny personal stereos and headphones.
    They are lost in their private worlds,and I can't help wishing that at least here,in the car,my girls would be
    forced to listen to their mother's voice raised in lost-the-words again,sure I'm out-of-tune songs that they
    might then pass down to another generation.  Those sophisticated earphones have robbed them of
    something I think every kid should carry from childhood car trips into adulthood.
    I drove away from that party humming,and all the way home the good old songs kept tumbling out.
    Dammit(该死) ,I thought,why did I ever stop singing in the car and start tuming on the radio instead?
    Why don't I sign anymore while I'm doing the dishes? I'm going to yank those stereo wires right out of
    the wall when I get home.  We're going to sing grace before meals,sing coals around the piano,sing in the
    shower instead of switching on that waterproof radio that stole away our voices and our souls.
    1. The author hates today's technology because____.
    A. driving a car requires high concentration
    B. children are learning pop songs from tapes
    C. children have lost touch with good old songs
    D. high-tech systems do not record the voices of aged people
    2. The underlined sentence "the little one will drift off" in Paragraph 3 means that___.
    A.  the play of the high-tech system is of little use
    B. the high-tech system will play on and on
    C. the low voice will delight the baby
    D. the baby will slowly go to sleep
    3. To the author,the voices of strangers ______.
    A. are not familiar to the baby
    B. lack the motherly love the baby need
    C. work better to stop the baby's cry
    D. surely sound more pleasant
    4. What the author wishes to make her girls do is to ______
    A. help memorize the words while she is singing
    B. take off their well-designed earphones
    C. listen and learn the old songs from her
    D. remember their childhood car trips
    本题信息:2012年月考题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
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