

  • 单选题
    ______ is no possibility ______ she can finish the task in two hours.

    [     ]

    A. There; that
    B. It; that
    C. There; whether
    D. It; whether
    本题信息:2012年0115月考题英语单选题难度一般 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “______ is no possibility ______ she can finish the task in two hours.[ ]A. There; thatB. It; thatC. There; whetherD. It; whether” 主要考查您对


there be句型

  • 同位语从句
  • there be句型




如:We heard the news that our team had won. 我们听到消息说我们队赢了。   
        They were worried over the fact that you were sick. 他们为你生病发愁。 
        I have no idea when he will come back. 我不知道他什么时候回来。
        There is some doubt whether he will come. 他是否会来还不一定。 
        The question whether it is right or wrong depends on the result. 这个是对还是错要看结果。

如:We are glad at the news that he will come. 听到他要来这个消息我们很高兴。
(news的内容就是that he will come,故that引导的是同位语从句)
        We are glad at the news that he told us. 听到他告诉我们的这个消息我们很高兴。
          what, how, if, whatever等可引导名词性从句,但不引导定语从句。
如上例that he told us中的that就充当told的宾语。
          同位语从句所修饰的名词比较有限,通常有hope, wish, idea, news, fact, promise, opinion, suggestion, truth等,而定语从句所修饰的名词则非常广泛。
如:I have no idea when they will come. 我不知道他们什么时候来。(同位语从句)
        I'll never forget the days when I lived there. 我永远不会忘记我住在那儿的日子。(定语从句)
        We don't understand the problem why this is the best choice. 我们不明白这个问题,为什么这是最好的选择。(同位语从句)
        There a son why he didn't come to the meeting is that he is ill. 他未能来开会,原因是他生病了。(定语从句)


在主从复合句中作同位语的从句称为同位语从句。同位语从句一般用that, whether, what, which, who, when, where, why, how等词引导,常放在fact, news, idea, truth, hope, problem, information, wish, promise, answer, evidence, report, explanation, suggestion, conclusion, word, possibility等抽象名词后面,说明该名词的具体内容。换言之,同位语从句和所修饰的名词在内容上为同一关系,对其内容作进一步说明。
例:The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school. 他们比赛获胜的消息很快传遍了整个学校。
析:they had won the game说明the news的全部内容,因此该句为同位语从句。

例:The general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once. 将军下达了战士们立即过河的命令。 
析:the soldiers should cross the river at once是the order的全部内容,且意义完整,因此应用that引导同位语从句。
例:We'll discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time. 我们将讨论运动会是否会如期举行的问题。
析:the sports meeting will be held on time 意义不完整,应加“是否”的含义才能表达the problem的全部内容,因此应用whether引导同位语从句。
3、如同位语从句意义不完整,需增加"什么时候"、"什么地点"、"什么方式"等含义,应用when, where, how等词引导同位语从句。 
例1:I have no idea when he will be back.  
析:he will be back 意义不完整,应加"什么时候"的含义才能表达idea的全部内容,因此应用when引导同位语从句。 
例2:I have no impression how he went home, perhaps by bike.
析:he went home 意义不完整,应加"如何"的含义才能表达impression的全部内容,因此应用how引导同位语从句。
如:The thought came to him that may be the enemy had fled the city.

there be句型的概念:

英语中的there be结构主要表示某处存在有某物,所以通常被称为存在句。其中的there为引导词,无词义,be为谓语动词,therebe后面的名词为句子主语。


there be结构的否定式通常应将否定词置于动词be之后:
如:There is not any bread left. 没有一点面包了。
        There isn't anything I can do for you. 我帮不了你什么忙。
如:There can't be so many mistakes. 不可能有那么多错误。
        There shouldn't be any doubt about it. 对此不应有什么怀疑。
        There haven't been any parties in weeks. 好几个礼拜没开过晚会了。
如:There doesn't seem to have been any difficulty over the money question. 在钱的问题上似乎没发生什么困难。
there be结构的疑问式通常应将否定词置于动词be之后:
如:Is there any good film on? 映什么好电影吗?
        Is there room for me in the car? 车子里还有我坐的地方吗?
        Are there any letters for me? 有我的信吗?
如:Has there been an accident? 出事了吗?
        Have there been any new developments? 有什么新的发展吗?
        Can there have been so much rain there?那儿会下过那么多雨吗?
如:Uncle Jesse, why do there have to be poor people like those? 杰西叔,为什么一定要有他们那样的穷人?

there be结构的谓语形式:

如:There is a man at the door. 门口有个人。
        There are some girls in the room. 房间里有几个女孩。
        There is a pen and some books on the desk. 桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。
there be结构的时态由其中的谓语动词be来体现,它可以有一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时、现在完成时以及过去完成时等多种时态形式:
如:There is going to be[will be] an English film tonight. 今晚将有一场英语电影。
        There was a lot to be done. 有很多事要做。
        There were some children swimming in the river. 有些小孩在河里游泳。
        There have been many such accidents. 已发生了好几起那样的事故。
        There had been two seafights between them. 他们之间发生了两场海战。
there be结构有时可以与情态动词连用:
如:There may be a storm tomorrow. 明天可能有风暴。
        There used to be a hospital here. 原来这里有家医院。
        He felt there must be something wrong. 他感到准有什么问题。
        There might still be hope. 可能还有希望。
        There ought to be a comma here. 这儿应有一个逗号。
有时可将there be中的动词:be换为live, remain, seem, appear, exist, stand, lie, come等:
如:Once upon a time there lived a man known by the name of Joe Beef. 从前有个人名叫乔·比夫。 
        There seems[appears] something the matter with her. 她好像是出了什么事似的。
        There existed different opinions on this problem. 对这个问题曾有不同看法。
        There remained just twenty-eight pounds. 只剩28英镑了。
        At the top of the hill there stands an old temple. 在小山顶上有一座古庙。
there be结构有时可与其他动词搭配使用,构成一种复合谓语:
如:There seemed to be nobody about, so I went in. 附近似乎没有人,因此我就走了进去。
        There happened to be a man walking by. 恰好有一个人从旁经过。


基本结构:there be结构的非谓语形式有两种基本结构,即there being和there to be:
1、there being结构该结构的主要用法有:
如:There being nothing else to do, we went home. 由于没什么其他的事要干,所以我们就回家了。
        There having been no rain, the ground was dry. 由于没有下雨,所以地面很干。
如:There being no further business(=As there was no further business), I declared the meeting closed. 由于没有别的事了,我宣布闭会。
如:There is now some hope of there being a settle ment of the dispute. 现在有点希望可以解决这次争端。
2、There to be结构该结构的主要用法有:
(1)用作动词宾语:该结构可用作某些动词(如like, prefer, hate, want, mean, intend, expect, consider等)的宾语:
如:I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. 我可不希望有任何误解。
        Students hate there to be too much homework. 学生讨厌做太多的家庭作业。
        We expect there to be more discussion about this. 我们期望能对此展开更多的讨论。
【注】在let there be结构中,动词be不带to:
如:Don't let there be any noise. 不允许有任何吵闹。
        Let there be no mistake about it. 这事不要出错。
如:They asked for there to be another meeting. 他们要求再开一次会议。
【注】用作介词宾语一般用there being,但用作介词for的宾语时,只能用there to be。
比较:They planned on there being another meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议。
            They planned for there to be another meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议。


 1、There is no doing结构:
如:There's no denying the fact. 这一事实不容否认。
        There is no getting over the difficulty. 这困难无法克服。
        There is no knowing what he will do next. 无法知道他下一步要干什么。
        There was no telling when she would be back. 没法知道她什么时候回来。
2、There is no difficulty in doing sth结构:
如:There is no difficulty in finding his office. 找到了他的办公室没费一点劲。
        There was no difficulty in carrying out the plan. 执行这项计划没什么困难。
3、There's no doubt…结构:
如:There is no doubt of his success. 毫无疑问他一定会成功。
        There could be no doubt that he was one of the best writer in this country. 毫无疑问他是这个国家最优秀的作家之一。
4、There is no hurry(to do sth)句式:
如:There's no hurry to return the book. 现在不急于还书。
        There's no hurry, so do it slowly and carefully. 不用赶时间,要慢慢细心地做。
5、There's no need for…结构:
如:There is no need for help. 不需要帮助。
        There is no need for you to go. 你没有必要去。
6、There is no question about...结构:
如:There's no question about his success. 毫无疑问他会成功。
        There's no question about his honesty. 毫无疑问他是诚实的。
7、There is no question of doing sth句式:
如:There is no question of his coming. 他不可能会来。
        There is no question of our arriving on time. 我们不可能准时赶到。
8、There is no sense in doing sth结构:
如:There's no sense in criticizing him. 批评他也没有用。
        There's no sense in waiting three hours. 等三小时是不没有道理的。
9、There's no point in doing sth句式:
如:There's no point(in) telling her about it. 告诉她没有用。
如:There's no point in wasting time. 耗时间没用。
如:There is some difficulty in doing sth 意为“做某事有些困难”。 
        There is much difficulty in doing sth 意为“做某事许多困难”。
        There's a need for… 意为“需要或有必要…”。
10、“there be+名词+动词”结构:
(1)there be+宾语+现在分词现在分词表示主动关系,同时表示动作正在进行:
如:There is some one waiting for him. 有人在等他。
        There was a man standing in front of me. 我前面站着一个男人。
        There were some children swimming in the river. 有些小孩在河里游泳。
        There were a group of young people working in the fields. 有一群青年在地里劳动。
如:There's a piano standing against the wall. 靠墙有一架钢琴。
        There're a lot of difficulties facing us. 我们面前有很多困难。
        There is a door leading to the garden. 有一座门通往花园。
如:There are ten people coming to dinner. 有10个人来吃晚饭。
(2)there be+宾语+过去分词过去分词表示一种被动关系,同时表示动作已经发生:
如:There is nothing written on it. 上面没写东西。
        There were ten people killed in the accident. 事故中有10人丧生。有时过去分词也可表示一种状态(可转换成被动结构):
        There were some old men seated(=who were seated)in the back. 有些老人坐在后面。
        There is a red car parked(=which is parked)outside the house. 房子外边停着一辆红色汽车。
如:There was nobody to look after the child. 没有人照顾这孩子。
        There was a large crowd to send him off. 有一大群人要来给他送行。
        There was so much to lose that we couldn't take any risks. 可能会有很大的损失,因此我们不能冒险。
如:There is much work to do[to be done]. 有许多工作要做。有时其中的不定式为系表结构:
        There is nothing to be afraid of. 没什么可怕的。
        What was there to be afraid of. 有什么可怕的?
        There's nothing to be ashamed of. 没有什么值得羞愧的。