

  • 阅读理解
    Jin Jun and his classmates at Shanghai Nanyang Middle School are not very happy to be back
    from holiday.
    Not because they hate studying, but because some of their best friends-pigeons on campus are
    More than 100 pigeons used to fly around their campus every day, making students smile during
    break time.
    But now, the birds are gone.  Where? Now they're all locked up in a bird cage.  Bird flu has
    landed in Shanghai, and experts are afraid the pigeons might spread the disease if they keep flying
    For safety, the school also asks students to stay away from the cage. "I feel sad for those birds.
    They're my best friends," said Jin,  a Junior 3 student. "Last term I would bring com to feed them,
    but I can't do that any more. I hope bird flu will end soon so I can play with the pigeons again. "
    Nanyang Middle School is not the only one to take pigeons off the campus.
    Students in Beijing Fengtai Experimental Primany School also gave their pigeons to the local
    health department on February 3.
    Their pigeons are special birds. In 1999, students found two injured pigeons and gave them a
    home, To get money for bird food, the kids sold rubbish paper. They took good care of the birds,
    and five years later, those two pigeons had brought more than 260 pigeons to the campus!
    "The students loved the birds," said Mr Chen, the school's headmaster. But to keep the school
    safe, they are willing to give them up.
    1. Students in Nanyang Middle School are not happy to be back from holiday because     .
    A. they don't like studying
    B. their best friends are not studying there
    C. their pigeons are all locked up in a big cage away from them
    D. their pigeons have all been killed
    2.  Students in Beijing Fengtai Experimental Primary School got money for bird food by     .
    A. selling rubbish paper
    B. selling their books
    C. asking their parents for money
    D. borrowing money from friends
    3. The pigeons have all been locked up so that
    A. they won't fly around all day
    B. they won't make a lot of noise
    C. they won't spread bird flu
    D. they will grow faster
    4. There are about     more pigeons in Fengtai Experimental Primary School than in
    Nanyang Middle School.
    A. 300
    B. 160
    C. 200
    D. 100
    5. The students in the two schools probably felt      when the pigeons were taken away from them.
    A. happy
    B. excited
    C. disappointed
    D. angry
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:苑博雅(初中英语)
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