

  • 完形填空

               Last Sunday we had a fantastic trip. My father, my mother and  I   1   to summer camp.
    We went to the mountains. First we   2   to the foot (脚)of the mountain   3   bus. In the middle
    of the mountain there was a river(河). The water was clean. I washed my face (洗脸)   4  the
    water. It was warm. There   5  some fishes in the river. In the mountain there Were flowers (花).
    They were very   6   . At  12 o'clock,many people got together(在一起),and they were very   7  
     we made our lunch in the mountain. The food was very   8  , and we liked it very much. After
    lunch,we went on our trip. Last,we got to the top(顶)of the mountain. We were very   9   It was
    really   10  .

    (     )1. A. go      
    (     )2. A. get      
    (     )3. A. by      
    (     )4. A. on      
    (     )5. A. is      
    (     )6. A. ugly    
    (     )7. A. mart    
    (     )8. A. awful    
    (     )9. A. happy    
    (     )10.A. terrible  
    B. goes      
    B. got      
    B. on        
    B. with      
    B. were      
    B. hungry    
    B. sad      
    B. delicious
    B. unhappy  
    B. cold             
    C. went          
    C. gets          
    C. in            
    C. in            
    C. was            
    C. beautiful      
    C. busy          
    C. expensive      
    C. interesting    
    C. fun               
    D. going      
    D. getting    
    D. at          
    D. at          
    D. are        
    D. awful      
    D. clever      
    D. cheap             
    D. sad        
    D. hot         

    本题信息:2012年同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:郝树凤
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本试题 “完形填空 Last Sunday we had a fantastic trip. My father, my mother and I 1 to summer camp.We went to the mountains. First we 2 to the foot (脚)of t...” 主要考查您对


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