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    Ye Shuhang:
    In some ways, reference books (参考书) are useful. They help us understand textbooks better. For example, if we can’t learn a language point well in English class, a reference book can help us to review the point. So I think it’s better to have such books.
    Jiang Yixing:
    Reference books have some disadvantages. Some reference books show answers to the exercises in textbooks. This isn’t very good. Students will just copy the answers directly instead of thinking for themselves. Day after day, students will begin to rely on (依赖) reference books and won’t listen carefully in class.
    Jin Yourong:
    Sometimes, reference books are useful. Some reference books show something a little bit more difficult than the textbooks. They challenge us and let us reach a higher level in our studies. So if you want to learn more, reference books are needed.
    Yang Haoyu:
    I don’t think reference books are helpful. If we listen to our teachers carefully and solve the questions at school, this is enough to grasp (掌握) all the knowledge. Besides, the school has given us too much homework. More reference books will only make us sick of studying. And for some subjects like English, if you want to learn well, the best way is to speak, not just do exercises.
    小题1:__________ think reference books are useful in our study.
    A.Ye Shuhang and Jiang Yixing
    B.Jiang Yixing and Jin Yourong
    C.Ye Shuhang and Jin Yourong
    D.Jin Yourong and Yang Haoyu
    小题2:In Ye Shuhang’s opinion, reference books can ________________.
    A.show answers to the exercises in textbooks
    B.help us review the point
    C.let us reach a higher level in our studies
    D.make us tired of studying
    小题3:From the four students’ opinions, we can guess that_____________.
    A.Reference books are too expensive
    B.Some students buy reference books for their study
    C.No one will buy reference books any more
    D.Reference books are useful for everyone

    本题信息:英语阅读理解难度一般 来源:未知
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本试题 “Ye Shuhang:In some ways, reference books (参考书) are useful. They help us understand textbooks better. For example, if we can’t learn a language p...” 主要考查您对


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