

  • 阅读理解
    About 70 scientists were working on a very busy project.All of them felt really desperate due to the
    pressure of work and the demands of their boss but everyone was loyal to him and did not think of
    quitting their job.
    One day,one scientist came to his boss and told him,"Sir,I've promised to take my children to the
    exhibition going on in our township so I want to leave at 5:30 pm" His boss replied,"OK.You're permitted
    to leave the office early today."
    The scientist started working.He continued his work after lunch.As usual, he got involved to such an
    extent that he looked at his watch only when he felt he was close to completion.The time was 8:30 pm.
    Suddenly he remembered his promise to the children.He looked for his boss but he was not there.Having
    told him in the morning himself, he closed everything and left for home.Deep within himself, he was feeling
    guilty for having disappointed his children.He reached home.The children were not there.His wife alone
    was sitting in the hall and reading magazines.The_situation_was_explosive;any_talk_would_boomerang_on_him.His wife asked him,"Would you like to have coffee or shall I straight away serve dinner if you are
    hungry?" The man replied,"If you would like to have coffee, I will have too, but what about the children?"
    His wife replied,"You don't know?Your boss came here at 5:15 pm and has taken them to the exhibition."
    What had really happened was the boss who gave him permission was observing him working
    seriously at 5:00 pm. He thought to himself:this person will not leave the work,but he's promised to take
    his children to the exhibition.So he took the lead in taking them there.The boss does not have to do it
    every time.But once it's done, loyalty is established.
    That is why all the scientists at Thumba continued to work under their boss even though the stress
    was extraordinarily huge.By the way,can you boldly guess who the boss was?He was none other than
    the mastermind behind India's successful nuclear weapons program,Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam,former
    president of India.
    1. The scientist asked for an early leave because________.
    A. he felt increasingly desperate about his work
    B. he meant to accompany his wife at dinner
    C. the task at hand was close to completion
    D. he'd promised to take his kids to a show
    2. The underlined sentence implies that the scientist thought his wife was________.
    A. dissatisfied with his coming home late
    B. ready to serve dinner for him
    C. grateful to his kindhearted boss
    D. delighted to see him back home
    3. The boss took the children to the exhibition________.
    A. when it was too late for the scientist to do so
    B. because the scientist was absorbed in his work
    C. because he also wanted to see what was on show
    D. when the man's wife asked him to do so
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
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