

  • 阅读理解
    Anyone who has ever run a marathon knows how difficult it is to complete the distance.Now imagine
    running 142 of them, back to back-a feat that Minnesota resident Steven Knowlton has just completed.
    Mr.Knowlton began his run on July 30th from Seattle, Washington.From there he ran his way through Oregon, Idaho and then on to the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming and Colorado.He then jogged his way
    through Kansas and Missouri, before continuing east and south through Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.On Saturday, November 13th, after 100 days, 3,715 miles and six pairs of
    sneakers, he finally reached his destination-Key Largo, Florida.
    While that in itself is incredible, what is even more so is the fact that he did it without taking a day of
    rest and with no support or backup vehicle.Instead, he wheeled along a baby stroller(婴儿车), filled with drinks, snacks and an extra pair of shoes.The 45yearold man says that he ran through painful shin splits
    (胫部开裂), extreme tiredness and bad weather, because if he took a break, he would lose his courage
    and be tempted to take many more!
    Having completed over 43 marathons and 2 ultramarathons(double the distance), with his earliest one
    at the age of nine, Mr.Knowlton is no stranger to longdistance runs.However, this brilliant one was done
    for a cause-to raise funds for and awareness of Crohn's disease, something he has suffered from since he was 17.
    Mr.Knowlton who is currently enjoying some welldeserved rest on the beautiful beaches of Florida,
    says the run will be  memorable for many reasons, not the least of which is the kindness  of strangers who offered him food, money and even shelter along the way.His biggest issue?Police officials stopped him
    especially when he was running across highways, because they believed he was endangering a baby in his
    1. We can learn about Mr.Knowlton that________.
    A. he completed about 142 marathons in half a year
    B. he is a person living in the state of Minnesota
    C. he arrived at his destination on a Saturday in July
    D. he began his first marathon when he was seventeen
    2. Which is the RIGHT time order for Mr.Knowlton running across the following places?
    A. Washington - Kansas - Kentucky - Idaho - Georgia - Florida
    B. Washington - Kansas - Idaho - Kentucky - Georgia - Florida
    C. Idaho - Washington - Kansas - Georgia - Florida - Kentucky
    D. Washington - Idaho - Kansas - Kentucky - Georgia - Florida
    3. The most striking fact of his feat is that________.
    A. he finished such a long run in a shortet time than expected
    B. he took a baby along with him during the long journey
    C. he ran through painful shin splits and extreme tiredness
    D. he ran nonstop,, providing himself with all necessities along the way
    4. Mr.Knowlton did such an extremely long run partly because________.
    A. he was fond of running marathons
    B. he had long been dreaming of running across the country
    C. he wanted to make people know more about Crohn's disease
    D. he wanted to collect money to cure his Crohn's disease
    5. From the passage,, we can infer that________.
    A. help from strangers impressed Mr.Knowlton
    B. Mr.Knowlton was once arrested by the police
    C. taking a rest in the long run would make Mr.Knowlton braver
    D. Mr.Knowlton valued his health more than his goal
    本题信息:2013年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张丽洁(高中英语)
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