

  • 阅读理解
    Nancy's Diary (日记)
    7:10 am: Get up.
    7:25 am: Have breakfast quickly because it's late.
    7:45 am: Go to Mary's house by bike.
    8:00 am: Go to Juliet and Tom's wedding (婚礼). It's very far and one hour on the road by bus.
    12:30 pm: Have lunch. The food is delicious and we all like it.
    3:30 pm: Go home after having lunch. See Lily on the way home.
    5:00 pm: Watch TV, then supper time.
    1. Nancy is ________ at 6:30 am.
    A. on her bed
    B. at school
    C. at Mary's house
    D. on the bus
    2. Nancy goes to the wedding ________.
    A. by bike
    B. by bus
    C. with Mary
    D. with her parents
    3. Nancy sees ________ on her way home.
    A. Juliet
    B. Tom
    C. Lily
    D. Alex
    4. "Delicious" means (意思是) ________.
    A. best
    B. favourite
    C. good to eat
    D. bad to eat
    5. Nancy's diary tell us ________.
    A. she likes her lunch
    B. she doesn't have breakfast
    C. she is late for the wedding
    D. Mary's house is very far
    本题信息:2009年河北省期末题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。Nancy's Diary (日记)7:10 am: Get up.7:25 am: Have breakfast quickly because it's late.7:45 am: Go to Mary's house by bike.8:00 am: Go to ...” 主要考查您对


  • 日常生活类阅读