

  • 阅读理解
    Strait was an experiencedsafecrackerwho never used force -either against people or safes (保险箱). He was a real artist of his trade and it took him only 19 minutes to open the most difficult safe he had ever encountered (遇见). In about 10 years, helped by his brother Stefan and two friends, he took about $330,000 -from the safes of 28 banks in Austria. On his last job, early in 1999, he left the safe door open and $80,000 behind. With the money was a note, "We don't need all that much."
    A witness (目击者) recognized his car and Strait was caught by the police. Then he was sent to
    Austria's Stein Prison to serve a six-year sentence. He boasted (吹嘘) at his trial(审判) that he would
    continue breaking the law, "I am a thief and I shall use every opportunity." Despite the warning, prison
    officials moved Strait to the prison's blacksmith (铁匠) shop. One day during the week before Christmas, Strait disappeared. Searchers found all his doors were well locked. Strait had managed to make a set of
    keys and let himself out.
    Not to freedom, though. After crossing into Bavaria, Strait attracted the suspicion (怀疑) of German
    customs (海关) police on purpose and got himself arrested. "I want to be in a German prison, "he
    explained to the surprised police. "As German courts give much milder (温和的) sentences for crimes
    (罪) like mine and will reduce the time I would otherwise have served in Stein Prison."
    In prison, Strait persuaded his keepers to let him make a Christmas Eve telephone call to his former
    keeper, Karl Schreiner of Stein Prison. "I'm sorry if I caused trouble. I didn't want to embarrass(使尴尬) anybody by escaping. Conditions weren't that bad. In fact the food was better than it is here."
    1. The underlined word "safecracker" in the first paragraph means "_________".
    A. prisoner
    B. peasant
    C. stealer
    D. doctor
    2. What's the correct order of the following events?
    a. Strait was caught by German customs police.
    b. Strait left a note in the bank.
    c. Strait was sent to Stein Prison.
    d. Strait worked in a blacksmith shop.
    e. Strait escaped from prison.
    A. d-b-a-c-e
    B. b-a-c-d-e
    C. b-c-d-e-a
    D. d-b-c-e-a
    3. What helped Strait escape from prison?
    A. His living alone in prison.
    B. His good relations with the prison officials.
    C. His cooperation with other prisoners.
    D. His working in the blacksmith shop.
    4. Strait was finally caught because _______.
    A. his car was recognized by someone
    B. he left a note in the bank safe
    C. he was recognized by customs police
    D. he made a phone call to his former keeper
    10. Strait preferred to serve his time in Germany because _______.
    A. he hated working in the blacksmith shop in the Austrian prison
    B. the life of prisoners in Germany was better than those in Austria's
    C. he wouldn't have to stay that long in a German prison
    D. he could escape more easily from a German prison
    本题信息:2012年贵州省期末题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。Strait was an experiencedsafecrackerwho never used force -either against people or safes (保险箱). He was a real artist of his trade and ...” 主要考查您对


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