

  • 完形填空
    Charles and I used to hang out all the time , together with a few other guys , but he seemed too cool
    for us lately . We couldn't understand the  1  , and we didn't ask him for an explanation .  2  , we
    decided to   3  him a lesson in the way he treated us .
    Once we started giving Charles the  4  shoulder , almost everybody was taking no notice of him . He
    looked so   5  , especially at lunchtime when he sat alone in the cafeteria . Now and then he nodded and
    said , "Hey!" when  6  passed his table , but all he got  7  return were mean looks and silence .
    At first I was glad my plan had   8  , but Charles' unhappiness made me upset . I only wanted him to
    know  9  it felt like to be blown off , but I hadn't thought about how badly my "lesson" would  10  him .
    During one lunch period, I  11  as Charles repeatedly glanced at his watch , obviously  12  the
    minutes until he could leave the cafeteria . I suddenly realized I had done wrong .
    "Hey ! man . I'm terribly sorry." I called out .
    Charles turned around   13  , clearly wanting to avoid eye contact .
    "Oh, so you are talking to me now ?" he asked .
    "I'm so sorry ,  14  I had thought that you wanted to end our friendship." I said .
    "What?" he nearly shouted , looking much  15  . "I've left you alone because I thought that was what
    you wanted."
    "Oh, my God ! Why would I want   16  ?" I shouted , completely puzzled .
    Clearly , we both had been   17  each other wrong .
    At first Charles couldn't accept my  18 . I knew he needed time to  19   all the hurt I'd caused him .
    But eventually , he did forgive me . We even started hanging out together  20   . And our friendship
    wasn't destroyed at all .
    (     )1. A. situation     
    (     )2. A. Besides       
    (     )3. A. take         
    (     )4. A. serious       
    (     )5. A. sad           
    (     )6. A. nobody       
    (     )7. A. at           
    (     )8. A. helped       
    (     )9. A. what         
    (     )10. A. worry       
    (     )11. A. imagined     
    (     )12. A. counting     
    (     )13. A. immediately
    (     )14. A. and         
    (     )15. A. interested   
    (     )16. A. it          
    (     )17. A. understanding  
    (     )18. A. explanation
    (     )19. A. get through
    (     )20. A.  seldom      
    B. change   
    B. Therefore
    B. teach   
    B. friendly
    B. angry   
    B. anyone   
    B. in       
    B. operated
    B. that     
    B. touch   
    B. listened
    B. guessing
    B. slowly   
    B. so       
    B. pleased
    B. those   
    B. regarding
    B. attitude
    B. get over
    B. once     
    C. action   
    C. Instead   
    C. give     
    C. warm     
    C. happy     
    C. they     
    C. on       
    C. worked   
    C. as       
    C. hurt     
    C. recalled
    C. waiting   
    C. finally  
    C. thus     
    C. surprised
    C. that     
    C. knowing   
    C. suggestion
    C. get across
    C. again     
    D. appearance        
    D. Opposite          
    D. attend            
    D. cold              
    D. high              
    D. someone            
    D. by                
    D. done              
    D. how                
    D. disappoint        
    D. watched            
    D. checking          
    D. willingly          
    D. but                
    D. moved              
    D. such              
    D. treating          
    D. apology            
    D. get along          
    D. also              

    本题信息:2011年山西省月考题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
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本试题 “完形填空Charles and I used to hang out all the time , together with a few other guys , but he seemed too coolfor us lately . We couldn't understand...” 主要考查您对


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