

  • 阅读理解
    "Christmas comes but once a year" is a familiar phrase, and indeed for many people the 25th of December
    is the highlight of the calendar (日历).
    But for one British man once a year is not enough. Andy Park, who is better known by his nickname
    Mr. Christmas, has celebrated Christmas every single day for the last 14 years.
    The 44-year-old electricianclaimsto have eaten a full roast dinner every day for the last decade and a half,
    munchingover 5 000 turkeys, 117 000 Brussels sprouts, and around 30 000 roast potatoes in the process.
    He also sends himself a Christmas card every day and looks forward to unwrapping a present he has
    bought himself each evening, while watching the Queen's Speech.
    Mr. Parkestimateshis festive love costs him £150 (1570 yuan) a week. This year, however, he says he
    is short of money for his celebrations due to the global financial crisis.
    His Christmas habit is affecting more than just his wallet. Mr. Park was previously warned by his doctor
    that his Christmas addiction could kill him. His habit has caused his weight to 121kg.
    So how did Andy Park's strong desire for Christmas begin?
    "I'll never forget the day it started," said Mr. Park. "The sun was shining, but I was just feeling fed up and
    bored, so I went home and put the decorations up. Suddenly I was happy. I thought, this is fun. So I did it
    again the next day, and the day after that."
    1. What's the best title for this text?
    A. Mr. Christmas
    B. Habit and weight
    C. Christmas celebrations
    D. A strong desire for Christmas
    2. Which of the following underlined words in the text has the closest meaning to "eat"?
    A. unwrap.
    B. munch.
    C. claim.
    D. estimate.
    3. What problem does Mr. Christmas now have?
    A. His festive love costs him 150 pounds a week.
    B. He doesn't have enough money for Christmas.
    C. He often feels fed up and bored with his celebrations.
    D. His doctor warned him against celebrating Christmas.
    4. We can learn from Mr. Christmas's habit that _____.
    A. every coin has two sides
    B. all roads lead to Rome
    C. there is no smoke without fire
    D. an early bird catches worms
    本题信息:2011年模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。"Christmas comes but once a year" is a familiar phrase, and indeed for many people the 25th of Decemberis the highlight of the calendar (...” 主要考查您对


  • 故事类阅读




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