

  • 阅读理解
    What are the qualities of a good friend? Trustworthiness (值得信赖) is a
    great quality to look for a friend.  But in order to  ( 为了) " have good friends,
    you have to be a good friend. Are you a friend? Do people trustyou?  Do they
    tell you their secrets?  What do you do with their secrets? ff you tell A's secrets
    to B, B,B, it, trust, find, with, hard, you, their, would, to, secrets.B may think,
    "Since (既然)  you told me about A's secrets, you  would  tell  somebody
    else  my secrets." Then A would find out that you haven't kept his secrets and not
    open his heart to you any more.  Maybe it's the end of your friendship. So ff you
    want to be a good friend, you need to close your mouth and hold your tongue.
    1. Because we axe good friends, I can tell you somebody else' s secrets_____
    2. 根据上下文,将划线部分连成句子。
    3. What would you think ff Simon told  you Peter' s secrets?
    4. What's the meaning of the word "friendship"?
    A. 友谊
    B. 友好的
    C. 朋友般的
    D. 够朋友
    5. If you want to have more friends, what do you think is the most important thing you will do?
    本题信息:2011年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:高立宁
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读短文,完成下列任务。What are the qualities of a good friend? Trustworthiness (值得信赖) is agreat quality to look for a friend. But in order to...” 主要考查您对


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