

  • 完形填空
    Simon lives on a farm in the country. Today, he is   1  visit his cousion Anna in the city. This is
    Simon's  2  trip on a train. This is also his first visit to the big city. He is very  3  .
    Anna lives in a flat. It is at the top of a tall building  4  15 floors. It is very exciting for Simon  5  
    all the buildings, cars, buses from the balcony. In the afternoon Anna takes him to a youth centre  6  .
    There are always  7  in the underground. It's fast, clean and comfortable. After that, Anna takes Simon
    to a cafe for  8  . A t last, she takes Simon to a  9  , Simon wants to buy some souvenirs  10 his
    friends in the country.
    Simon has a good time with his cousin in the city.
    (     )1. A. on his way         
    (     )2. A. first                
    (     )3. A. exciting           
    (     )4. A. in                   
    (     )5. A. see                  
    (     )6. A. by the underground   
    (     )7. A. many people        
    (     )8. A. drink something    
    (     )9. A. theatre              
    (     )10. A. to                 
    B. on his way to      
    B. second             
    B. interesting        
    B. have               
    B. seeing             
    B. take the underground   
    B. many shops         
    B. eat something      
    B. reataurant         
    B. for                
    C. in his way         
    C. two                
    C. excited            
    C. with               
    C. to see           
    C. take underground 
    C. much pollution     
    C. something to drink  
    C. shopping mall      
    C. with             
    D. in his way to       
    D. one                 
    D. worried             
    D. has                 
    D. sees                
    D. by underground            
    D. much food           
    D. anything to drink   
    D. school              
    D. about             

    本题信息:2009年期中题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完型填空。Simon lives on a farm in the country. Today, he is 1 visit his cousion Anna in the city. This isSimon's 2 trip on a train. This is also h...” 主要考查您对


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