

  • 完形填空
    I want you to know about our neighborhood, Tangley Heights, a slum(贫民窟). I didn't go there much
    after I met Maxine and her disabled son Ronald and their friend, Miss Annie.In 1981 I was 12 years old.
    I __1__that once you are 12, you are too big for lots of things you used to __2__before, but you are too
    young for a job.So a whole group of us children were __3__with nothing to do, only standing at the
    corner to __4__if Maxine would come with popeyed(突眼的)Ronald.Somebody found that Ronald
    went to a school for mentally __5__kids and that every afternoon a special bus brought him home and
    that his mother was always there to __6__him off the bus.
    My mama could always make you feel special.She could see what my teachers could not, but that
    was a __7__between us.When my mama died, the secret died, too.It was Maxine who __8__me to her
    neighbor, Miss Annie, when I needed __9__with English.She told me to bring my book to her house
    every day after school.After a few weeks, Miss Annie said, "Vernon, I have never __10__you for money, but I would like you to help Maxine __11__up her yard."
    I cleaned up the yard, and then put the __12__in a bag that Ronald held.Ronald stood there __13__
    the bag as if it were the most important job on earth.When you first saw Ronald, he looked like a (n)
    __14__animal, but what I understood was that Ronald's problem was __15__.Being scared made him
    look strange.
    (     )1. A. described  
    (     )2. A. discuss    
    (     )3. A. left        
    (     )4. A. ask        
    (     )5. A. independent
    (     )6. A. get        
    (     )7. A. bridge      
    (     )8. A. moved      
    (     )9. A. curiosity  
    (     )10. A. asked      
    (     )11. A. bury      
    (     )12. A. money      
    (     )13. A. holding    
    (     )14. A. energetic  
    (     )15. A. doubt      
    B. deserved    
    B. do          
    B. dealt      
    B. wait        
    B. naughty    
    B. catch      
    B. gap        
    B. introduced  
    B. test        
    B. awarded    
    B. trap        
    B. book        
    B. throwing    
    B. naughty    
    B. sadness    
    C. discovered  
    C. find        
    C. admired    
    C. see        
    C. frightened  
    C. teach      
    C. secret      
    C. calmed      
    C. concern    
    C. combined    
    C. clean      
    C. rubbish    
    C. closing    
    C. beautiful  
    C. fear        
    D. determined        
    D. think            
    D. sent              
    D. consider          
    D. disabled          
    D. guide            
    D. wall              
    D. settled          
    D. help              
    D. paid              
    D. dig              
    D. dust              
    D. carrying          
    D. ugly              
    D. character        

    本题信息:2012年广东省同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空I want you to know about our neighborhood, Tangley Heights, a slum(贫民窟). I didn't go there muchafter I met Maxine and her disabled son R...” 主要考查您对


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