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    A reader from Brazil recently wrote to us asking for some advice. He’s planning a trip to the United States, and wanted to know about the best places to travel in America. Today, we are going to give you some information which may help you when choosing your destination.
    Each of the 50 states in America has interesting things to offer visitors, but some are more popular than others. Washington, D.C. is famous for its historical places, like the White House and the Lincoln Memorial. Visitors to Los Angeles, California can see the Hollywood Walk of Fame or shop the stores on Rodeo Drive where they may see a star or two. The Grand Canyon in Arizona appeals to hikers, climbers and nature lovers, as does Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.
    TripAdvisor is a website where people can write reviews about their travel experiences. Every year, TripAdvisor makes a list of the top 25 cities to visit in the United States. The results are based on the opinions of visitors to the website.
    Brooke Ferencsik of TripAdvisor said the top picks on the list were not surprising. And it’s no secret why New York City was named the number one destination.
    New York City is sometimes called “the city that never sleeps” because it can be very busy. It is an exciting place for many people because there is so much to do. But the city might be too busy for travelers looking for rest and calm. They might want something more like Myrtle Beach, in the state of South Carolina, which made it to number 21 on Trip Advisor’s list.
    “A lot of people come to Myrtle Beach for great weather, it’s a wonderful family vacation spot, the beaches - got the wonderful Atlantic beaches there - there’s a lot of family-friendly parks and water parks.”
    Many people take time off from their jobs in the summer to travel. Because there are many tourists visiting other places, June until August is known as “high season.” Traveling during the high season can be crowded. Hotels, restaurants, and transportation might also be very expensive.
    If you want to save money on a trip, it is a good idea to plan to leave before or after the summer months. These times are known as “shoulder seasons” for travel.
    “If you’re looking for value, try and think about traveling through the shoulder season if it’s possible - the shoulder season being the fall or the spring. The weather is still very good in some of these destinations, and you can get better prices.”
    America’s major cities are still the most popular destinations for visitors. Ferencsik says this is because of the good quality of services they provide tourists.
    “They do a great job of giving travelers what they want when they’re on vacation. I think they kind of cater to every type of traveler need. So whether you’re traveling alone, you’re traveling for business, you’re traveling with your family - whatever it is, those destinations are really tuned in to delivering amazing experiences and just a lot of different opportunities when you’re there.”
    小题1:Lily has great interest in nature and American history. She can visit___________. 
    A. The Grand Canyon and Rodeo Drive
    B. California and Los Angeles
    C. White House and Arizona
    D. Washington, D.C and The Grand Canyon
    小题2:Which of the following is NOT true about Myrtle Beach?
    A.People can enjoy a wonderful holiday with their family there.
    B.It’s a place where people can have rest and calm.
    C.It’s on the list of the top 25 cities to visit in the United States.
    D.It’s in North Carolina with great weather that attracts tourists.
    小题3:Why does the author suggest traveling through the shoulder seasons?
    A.To enjoy good weather in spring and fall.
    B.To have good quality of services.
    C.To have better value of traveling .
    D.To save money and energy.
    小题4:The author write this passage to ___.
    A. give some information about the top 25 cities to visit in USA.
    B. talk about some American popular places and advice on traveling
    C. advise tourists to visit big cities for their good service and opportunities.
    D. give advice on saving money and time when traveling in America.
    小题5:This passage may probably be taken from ____.
    A.a travel journalB.a magazine
    C.News WeeklyD.a website

    本题信息:英语阅读理解难度一般 来源:未知
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